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Arrest Warrant for BM

Rabon5's picture

BM physically assaulted her BS (10) on April 9. He begged me (SM) and BD to take him to a police officer to tell them what BM did to him. She had him in a chokehold, he managed to get free she then grabbed his arm, he got away again, and then she grabbed his shirt by the collar leaving scratch marks on his neck and upper chest.

We took him to the Magistrate Office and let him have his say. I really thought that they would do an incident report at most. I was given some papers to fill out about the incident. When I returned the papers to the Magistrate, he told me he was issuing a warrant for BM arrest.

The following Monday, April 12, BD and I took out a 50-B against BM for my SS. The temporary 50-B was granted. We went back to court today on the 50-B, the judge denied the 50-B.
There is still a warrant out for BM arrest. We go back to court on Thursday, April 22. BM hopes the judge with life her supervised visitation at that time and we hope the judge actually reduces her visits.

To everyone that reads this, please pray for these boys. My husband and I are adults and can find ways to deal with things. However, there are two boys (14 and 10) caught up in a big mess with a BM that they are terrified to go visit.

Stick's picture

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your boys... Thank God you are there for them!! It is good they have you to run to , to keep them safe and strong...

God Bless... *** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Rabon5's picture

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray for us and keep us in your thoughts