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Another CLASSIC move from SIL (she's such a piece of work)

Disillusioned's picture

Prior to my FIL passing away, SIL was fired from her job (given working notice) and fouind work out in the city that OSD lives in

SIL was talking about selling her house, and moving

We assumed she would move to the city OSD lives in as this is where her new job is

And funnily enough, BM then sells her home which is an hour and half away from OSD, and moves just down the street from OSD

Then after FIL passed, SIL put the whole selling of the house thing on hold, thought she would wiat a year before doing so

I wondered if she would also be moving close to OSD and BM, but she seemed to be trying to repair her lousy relationship with DH

Then out of the blue, we hear from OSD (while at her home at a family get together yesterday) that BM told her that SIL had not only sold her home, but bought one you know where - close to BM of course! 

When we saw SIL yesterday at OSD's she made sure to talk NON STOP about her new home near BM, how they were both now living close to OSD, how much fun SIL would be having hanging out with BM, how their houses were similar etc...etc...

If she thinks for one second that aligning herself with DH ex-wife, and then rubbing it in our faces, is in any way going to repair the relationship she has with DH, she is off her rocker

IMO, if SIL just loooooooves BM to bits no problem, if they're best friends, no problem. If she decided to buy a home right beside BM so the two of them can hang out on a regular basis, have fun. That's their choice and so far there is nothing offensive to me in that (that it's a stab at her own brother is a whole other point) but where she crosses the line is # 1: while she makes it clear she just loves BM, she treats me like absolutel garbage (and for no reason other than she's a jealous lunatic) and 2: fine that you sold your home and moved into one close to BM, but to rub in it my face all evening, endlessly, as she did yesterday is pathetic

....and tells me it had more to do with trying to get to me then anything else sadly

On our drive home DH said to me that his sister is "an asshole" and was shaking his head while saying that the whole time he and BM were married, SIL couldn't stand BM

As for me, there was no relationship between SIL and I anyway, she has from day one despised me, full of jelous insecurities and thinking there is some power struggle over who is more important to DH, and I'm sure gloating now in what she thinks must have hurt or humilatied me

....So much easier for me to stand back and simply watch her make this horrifc and disgusting decision in her life with almost no emotion

She hasn't figured out that I could honestly care less, I simply find her constant competitive back-stabbing behaviour almost entertaining if it weren't so very sad. She lives her whole life always looking for ways to stick it to DH and most especially me

I honestly think she has no close friends, isn't nearly as close to BM as she tries to get us to beleive she is, and would literally buy a house next to BM (she did need to buy it in that city due to her new job anyway so why not next to DH's ex) just to continue to try to get some sort of reaction from DH & I

More reason for both of us to continue to distance ourselves from her altogether