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Always BM Drama

Makingmecrazy's picture

FDH gets his son every Sunday, as well as reasonable visitation; which pretty much means any time he wants. He usually spends the night every weekend, with me there. BM has no issue with this, her issue is that 1-1/2 years later, she's still the bitter ex-wife. Everything from calling me names, to emailing me, to threatening to embarrass me in public. She makes it so difficult to meet up to get FDH's son when I am around. When it comes time to meet up, she tells FDH to come get him but I am "not allowed" at her house. He tells her, either you meet me, or my gf will be in the truck when I come to get my son. Which always goes in to "that bitch isn't allowed at my house and if you drive in my driveway with her I will call the cops"; to which she always goes to the meeting place after that. Most recently FDH's son was at her parents and no one wanted to meet him to exchange. He said fine, I'll go get him. When she asked if I was with him she said "bring her here because me, my mom and my dad are going to confront her and embarrass you in front of our son." (Long story short, they were separated for 6 ,months before I met him but she screams homewrecker even though she's the one who left). Her next text was that she was going to have it court ordered that I couldn't go where she says. I have always taken the high road with this lunatic, as hard as it is sometimes, but what are the conditions of a court order if I am not the one harassing her? :?

Jellybeam's picture

I'd be pissed too if I were only separated and my Husband started dating someone else. He really should have waited until the ink was dry on the divorce decree, but she should be mad at HIIM, not you, because he was the one that was married.

Maybe BM thinks that if it weren't for you sleeping with her husband while they were still married, they might have gotten back together and saved the family. But, had it not been you it would have been someone else, so I wouldn't take it personal if I were you.

Course, you reap what you sew, and KARMA really is a bitch. Good Luck!

sixteensmom's picture

Wow who says they're not divorced or that the op had anything to do with breaking up a home

Makingmecrazy's picture

Thank you! I had nothing to do with their failed marriage. He had the right to date the day after they separated if he wanted to. But one thing is true, if it wasn't me she was bitter about, it would be someone else.

Jellybeam's picture

"(Long story short, they were separated for 6 ,months before I met him but she screams homewrecker even though she's the one who left)."

OP said that.

oldone's picture

So are you really saying that if you left your husband for another man you would be pissed if your husband moved on with another woman? What was the man supposed to do sit on a shelf and be the ex's backup just in case her new relationship doesn't work out?

If a man left me there IS NO WAY I would sit and wait for him. Unless it would be to wait behind a door with a 2x4 to bop him over the head. Seriously if a man left me for another woman I would never speak to him again. Actuallly I was left for another woman just a few weeks before my wedding - he's tried to crawl back to me a zillion times. He is less than a worm to me.

Jellybeam's picture

I don't see anything in the OP that says the BM left her husband for another man, it says "shes the one who left". To me this means she is the one who left the an apartment, moved back to her parents, whatever.
But to answer your question, if I left my husband for another man, then no, I would have no right to be upset with my husband no matter what he did with whomever.

sixteensmom's picture

I don't have any idea what the rules of a co could be in this case but she is a loon. Our bm went apeshit once when I was in the car dropping off 16yo sson because we thought it more convenient than having her drive all the way across tow. Do her a Favor and reap the wrath I guess. I am a little feisty. I'd call her on the threat. Let her try to embarrass you. Be prepared to take the high road. Don't let her bait you. I doubt her parents would be so stupid but maybe they would.

You guys can always pull up to the curb on a public street to drop off sson. Save the threatening emails, she will eventually hang herself.

Crazy idiot bms

oldone's picture

Have your phone ready to video and record her stupid rantings. Do not get out of the car and don't drive on the property.

Legally you can be on a public street. She will hang herself. ignore ignore ignore.

Makingmecrazy's picture

Someone on here, may have even been you, told me to video if she acts like an idiot. So I always grab my phone when we pull up to exchange now, lol. Ahh, how would I stay sane if it wasn't for this group!

neverbeenhereb4's picture

i work with children for a living and sometimes those have included spoiled, immature, tantrum throwing teenagers. sometimes i put our bm in that catagory in my head. she is a spoiled, self centered, used to getting her way pain that we have to deal with for the next 10 years. if she was to say anything to you in public and you dont engage, then i would say she is the one embarrassing herself and her poor kids stuck in the middle witnessing their mom act like a crazy person. i like the recording idea, could serve you in the future if there was a court order. good luck!