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Advice needed

TheBlindside's picture

This is my first post - looking for a third-person perspective as DH and I have very different perspectives.
I have 2 SD - 18 and 16 who live with BM and SF and three other siblings.
We have been married 4 years and together for over 10 years.

Have always had a slightly strained relationship with SD18 - DH can not see that she has ever said/done anything wrong. Typical guilt-ridden behaviour from DH - buy them anything, really expensive things at an inappropriately young age which they break and then demand another one, chauffeur them all day long on the only day off from work in the week - I’m find it all very exhausting.

Issues with SD18 include: she has opened and read through my personal letters, she has gone through the bathroom cabinet and other intimate things that were in my personal bathroom (not main family bathroom) - when I raised this with DH he said and I quote “you shouldn’t have left those things there - in the future put them out of sight” ?!?!?! His response is genuinely causing a problem in our marriage.

Most recently - she asked him (over lunch) who would get the house when he died (50% paid for by me - I also work full time) - showed no upset or sadness that he would be gone and instead said I just want the house. He was stunned and said nothing at first and then said I would get the house as we bought it together.
He then left the room - she turned to me and said well, I’m going to get him to change the will so I get the house.

She is very manipulative - she has DH completely fooled and every time I try to discuss this with him, he replies that she is joking and I’m always taking things too seriously. I feel very angry and devalued - I’ve tried to treat both SD as my own and this is a real kick in the gut. I now feel like it doesn’t matter how good and loving you are to Skids at the end of the day you will get taken advantage of and you will never actually be considered family.

DH is also very keen for us to have a Biochild - I am hesitating - he doesn’t understand it - for me everything that I’ve witnessed feels like a warning.

Any advice from anyone in my position is gratefully received - I feel like I’m at a crossroads - I should not be made to feel that I need to see a lawyer so I can defend myself against ‘family’ members.
Please help Sad

secret's picture

Stick to facts.

"sd, it's a criminal offense to open other's mail."
"sd, this is my bathroom. You have nothing in here, please stay out of it. I don't go through your things, don't go through mine."

"sd, if you want the house, you will need to buy out my share, since I paid for half."

"sd, what makes you think that your dad will leave you what belongs to me?"

It's hard to treat a child like your own when they don't treat you like theirs.

Myss.Tique D'Off's picture

SD is 18? Good. I would not have her over in my home. She is too old for custodial visitations and your husband can see her outside of YOUR home. She has constantly shown you disrespect which your husband has helped along. He has disrespected you too and cultivated the lack of boundaries she has with you. How nice that a kid is trying to shove you or your husband into a grave or calling dibs on your property... I am sure wolves raise their young better than this.

I would NOT have a bio child with a man that has spawned and NOT parented his 18 year old pride and joy. I am not co-mingling my genes with someone who has no idea of what parenting is about if I look at the fine example he has produced with SD (an advert for birth control if there ever was one). This is not a personal attack - this is the same thought process I have had with my own husband whose own (lack of) parenting skills means even if I could have a child with him, I WOULD NOT.

Please DO get a lawyer to defend your own rights - and think about whether you actually want to be married to a man who chooses his daughter over you.

Thumper's picture

what Secret wrote ^^^^^
OMG if my bio's acted like that...They would not be stepping one foot in my home.

That IS what would happen.

sammigirl's picture

You need to put this SD18 in her place!

I put my SD56 in her place 4 years ago. DH hated me for it, but guess what, I put him in his place also. Laws are not made to be broken, rules are not made to be broken, and I would turn your home into a peaceful sanctuary immediately.

Our home is peaceful now. My DH seems to like it better too.

Setting your SD18 straight will be a battle, but well worth it. Call her bluff and then stand your ground. Don't expect DH to have your back or help you here; you probably will have to take this on alone. I did. They just thought I was a "bitch", until I straighten my mess out; now they know I am.


SugarSpice's picture

i put one sd in her place when she threatend to hit me and her father put his head in the sand.

from that point on it was woman to woman. a very good strategic insult put her back on her heels and she never messed with me again. the look on her face was price less but she never sassed with me again.

she knew dh would not have the balls to support me so i had to defend myself. sad but i had to do it. dh also hated me for the insult (it cut to the quick) but he also knew he was being a coward.

lieutenant_dad's picture

Your DH knows, but won't admit to himself, that his adult child is a manipulative brat. It's easier to make excuses for her and let you be mad for a bit than to actually put his daughter in her place.

She's an adult now, so treat her as such. Secret gave some good ways to do that above. Show her that her antics will be met with retorts. Then disengage when you can until she shapes up. If your DH wants to deal with an unruly adult child, let him do it alone. If he wants help or for you two to have a good relationship, then he can hold his daughter accountable the same way you will.

jollybean's picture

I’m stuck just like you, except the skid’s still got 10 years before she threatens me out of my lawful property. I told him no more trying for baby and I go my seperate way because I feel like he’s doing a reverse baby trap on me, after the biowhore did it to him. He thinks the sooner I’m knocked up then I’ll have nowhere to go and he gets the best of both worlds. You’ll need to change the terms on your title deed for the house to make sure you get the correct share. You should feel empowered about understanding with clarity you legal rights, she did you a favour and showed her hand way too soon. Whilst he’s alive prepare your paperwork and protect your home.

marblefawn's picture

I don't think I'd have a kid with him, but why not use it as leverage? When the baby issue comes up, tell him you're worried about your future and your unborn baby's future when SD is emboldened enough to announce that she plans to manipulate you out of your home. Sound like the victim who needs his help to make sure you don't end up out on the street with a baby if something happens to him. Then get thee to a lawyer and get this shored up. Then double up your birth control.

Stepparents are only seen as interlopers to these kids. Nothing is off limits to them.

LawyerGirl's picture

Dear TheBlindSide: Thank you for writing. In a lot of ways, your situation reminds me of mine (I'm also a woman who is with a man with teenaged daughters, trying to decide if I want a child). From reading your post, I'd have to say that I would VERY STRONGLY encourage you to NOT procreate with this man. It just sounds awful how his 18 year old is treating you, and how he seems to side with HER. It sounds like a recipe for heartache... Unless you think that the joy from having a son or daughter with this particular man will outweigh the years of grief.

TheBlindside's picture

Thank you all for replying!
DH and I have had a few discussions since I posted - we are joint tenants (100%/100%) it was my misunderstanding of the legal agreement - which is reassuring.
Despite this we are seeing a lawyer in the new year so everything is in black and white - I feel safer that way.

After some discussions - he agrees there is an issue with SD 18 - her best friend of 8 years no longer wants to see or speak to hear as she has been equally nasty to her. There is a trend which is repeating with everyone.
Also DH had bought SD18 a laptop as a present (he spend a long time researching which one to get etc) on opening it she pulled a face and said it’s not the right brand and put it aside - ungrateful brat! Now that he’s had a taste of it too - he’s starting to listen to what I’ve been saying more seriously.
I feel disappointed and angry on his behalf that she is SO ungrateful and rude but at the same time I am pleased that he has experienced the behaviour for himself.
I have also agreed with him that if he doesn’t step up and put her right then I will and he will need to support me - which he’s agreed to.

Let’s hope there’s no more acting out on Christmas!

jollybean's picture

I love reading this update Theblindside, i’ll be toasting a glass in your hounor this weekend.
I’m glad to hear that DH learned a lesson about the apple of his eye, she’s spoilt rotten.
Get as much legal protection from the spiteful SD, it seems DH will keep you safe from her in the home.
I’m very hopeful for you.