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50 Days til Freedom Rings!

crankymom's picture

In 50 days my two SS's will be gone from my day to day life. No more bratty, mouthy, insolent, ill mannered, smelly, pissy pants, back talking, rude, hyper active, bullying, destructive, etc SS8 who is the bane of my existance. No more taking this child to see a psychiatrist, a psychologist, or a therapist of any sort---Six months of therapy and meds and NO improvements. No more having to cancel my appointments due to his out of control behavior at school requiring an immediate conference, or due to not being able to hire a sitter because no one will watch the little monster. No more having to watch him chew with his mouth open spitting food all over the table, his shirt, or his brother. No more having to save him from trying to push the screen out of the window with his body. No more having to say 12 times in a row to do something, only to have the something done half assed. No more having to rush to the ER because he's harmed his borther....AGAIN. No more parent/teacher conferences at school. No more cartoons (Gods how I depise cartoons!). No more of his piss filled pullups found hidden under his bed, in his closet, in his dresser drawers, behind the toy box. No more hearing the whiny tone to his voice used to get his way or trying to manipulate his father. No more dealing with nieghborhood moms who constantly knock on our door because SS8 has broken their kids toy, or pushed their kids, or tripped their kid, or called their kid names. No more sky high grocery bill only to hear the little monster say he doesn't like his food choices after sitting down to eat. No more junk food in the house. No more piles and piles and piles of school paperwork including bullshit participation awards and trophies and "artwork". No more messes in every room of the house. No more nasty, disgusting refrigerator with spilled ilk, yougurt, cheese, jams, jellies. No more greasy, dirty fingerprints all over the walls, fridge, cabinets, drawers. No more missing tools, tape, pens, pencils. No more stomping up and down the stairs like a herd of water buffalo. No more watching him make faces in the mirror because he "wants to learn how to make the right face when someone says something sad to him". No more broken silverware, dishes, plates. No more destroyed antiques because "it's old and no body likes it". NO MORE! I'll kinda miss his brother, but not enough to offer he continue living with us. 

SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

You made me wheeze laughing.