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Timing is everything…

stepmama bear's picture

BM is not interested in playing nice. Lying in court. Blah blah blah 

We were ordered to foot the bill for her VERY expensive lawyers.  She told the court she was "not made of money", but her expensive/new cars and gated community say differently imho 

She is a business owner and I've been made aware that she takes a significant amount of her business payment under the table. (As well as selling $1500 puppies as soon as their family pet pops out another litter)

I plan on reporting her to IRS for tax evasion. In your educated opinion, how soon is TOO soon after temporary custody orders to start that?  While it's anonymous reporting, I do NOT want her to have ANY "proof" it was me. (And she probably will have an idea, however I need a timeline of deniability) 

Our end game for custody agreement would be 50/50. She wants full custody (of SD-12 and has been domicile for years) and has already proven to be willing to fight dirty. Thoughts?

Winterglow's picture

Personally, I would do it NOW. She can suspect you as much as she wants, there's no way she'll ever get proof.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Worth a try. My SO reported his BM2 and nothing came of it. A lot of her rental properties are in her mother or uncle's name. It didn't make anything worse, though. Things were already bad with their court case. 

Harry's picture

Most likely will not do anything.  BM. income really is not your concern.  CS was figured out at the time of divorce.  It's will be hard to change it. DH shoulding be paying a % of is monthly income.  That money is for his kids.  If BM would win $ 5 million it should not effect CS.  

stepmama bear's picture

My husband is not currently working. However his "possibility of income" played a role in the decision for $1,000 /mo child support until we have final custody papers drawn up. I'm livid. As I will personally have to be footing some of the bill for him to not be in contempt of court...  Her lawyers did a TON of unnecessary work (because she's been ghosting us), leading to the $11,000 bill. 

Rags's picture

Hire a PI and get it all documented then... bare her ass.

You may not win. However, getting it all documented, in the court record, and organized will give your SD the facts she will need to protect herself from her toxic lying mommy.

Shit people never change.  She will continue to ply her noxious crap with the SKid in another 6 years when the the SKid ages out from under the CO, or whatever age that happens in the State where your CO is ordered.

We learned this fairly early in our 16+  years under the CO and the never ending battle with the shallow and polluted end of my SS's gene pool.  We focused on his best interests. They focused on lies, manipulations, PASing him, and a delusional never ending push for control. Something we never lost.

Document, document, document and take it all to court. Including the PI reports, and the fraud she perpetrates to try to get her income reduced for CS calculation purposes.  We had all of that and more.  He worked under the table taking money from his employer by doing plumbing jobs for cash while on the clock.  That video just about made his head explode.


We also took his living rent free in a rental property owned by the SpermGrandHag and SpermGrandPa to court.  That they paid his CS obligation to my SS for 9 years. When they motioned for my income to be considered for CS calculation, we countered that the SpermGP's incomes should be added to the SpermIdiot's for CS calculation.  By SpermLand law a SParent's income cannot be used for CS calculation though if a SParent is a high earner the NCP can be granted an income reduction credit  in order to ...."Step Dad is a high earner and BIoDad should not be punished by having to contribute to an artificially elevated standard of living for the child."  For the entire 16+ years we lived under the CO the SpermClan was granted the income reduction credit due to my income.  It chapped my ass that they realized any benefit from my income. Though it was materially insignificant.  The max allowable income reduction credit was $1000/mo which only lowered the max CS by $50/mo.  When we motioned that the SpermGP's income be added to the SpermIdiot's SpermGrandHag lost her mind.  When the Judge accepted out motion for consideration the Hag lost it completely.   Ultimately the Judge ruled that only the SpermIdiot's income would be considered and imputed a far higher income than the two pay stubs he brought indicated he earned.  The facts regarding his under the table income as well as his almost $zero living expenses due to being his mommy and daddy's income influenced the CS level which increased from the $133/mo it had been for 9 years to $785/mo which was to invoke the new CS level and collect arrears from his 2 years of running from Constables attempting to serve him with a summons for a CS review hearing, refusing registered mail calling for him to provide the exhaustive information that the DA required from both parties to assess and set CS. After 2yrs at $785/mo the arrears were retired and CS settled out at $385/mo for the last 6 years of the CO.

No need to get nasty. Just bring the facts.  Do the right thing for your SKids and your family. Even if it is hard. Even if you likely will not get everything you hope to accomplish.  Document, document, document, keep a rolled up copy of the CO, supplemental jurisdictional (County) rules, and the State regs handy and smack the opposition about the head and shoulders with them when they step out of line.  Sadly this will only get harder when the SKids age out from under the CO. After that, the courts have no say or involvement. At that point, the facts become even more critical so the kids can protect themselves from a toxic manipulative side of their gene pool.

All IMHO of course.

Good luck.