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Book review for Stepmonster...

LRP75's picture

"Wednesday also touches on the fact that our husbands contribute to our pain as much and sometimes more than the kids themselves; either by excusing or defending his child's actions, disregarding our feelings, not acknowledging our hurt, blaming us for not possessing the ability to bond or for not trying hard enough, regularly placing their children's needs before ours, or taking their side in a disagreement. This makes for a lonely, sad and unfulfilling marriage at the very least. But more likely adds to that, anger, regret, resentment, hopelessness & misery that you may have otherwise never had to experience if you had married a man who loved you first and foremost."

...says it all. Wow. I have GOT to buy this book!


HadEnoughx5's picture

I'm glad you are going to read it. I did and I felt validated on how I was feeling and also realized how much power DH has on how smoothly the household could run with his help. The bottom line is that it is a life line for frustrated and the SM's who are at the end of their rope.

Enjoy the book! Smile

Stepmomintexas's picture

Is the title of the book "Stepmonster?" who is the author, i definitely need to read this!

LRP75's picture

"Stepmonster" by Wednesday Martin

Yes, it's a must-read. I'm sad that I am just now learning of this book. I can't wait until my copy comes.