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New to this group

justwantpeace2's picture

I have been a sm for 10 years. My skids no longer live at home as they have moved on with their lives. I found this site a few weeks ago and sure wish I had known about it when I did have skids living at home! I felt like I was the one messed up for a very long time! Like an alien in my own home! Now I see that it wasn't just me! THANK YOU!!!! I am not EVIL!!!! What a relief!!! I have to say that what I have been reading of you ladies, y'all are hilarious!!!! I am looking forward to reading more!

The Drama Continues

sam's picture

If you read my last posts you know the horror.Well i took some of your advice i had my ringer on my phone shut off yesterday so i turn it back on in the afternoon i was expecting a call from my parents they were going to come over for coffee.The minuete ladies i put that ringer on it rang.She now has her family members phoning here.My husband wasnt here at the time so the guy that phoned wouldnt tell me his reason for calling so i knew what it was about so i hung up and the phone rang again and again etc...probably about 10 times.So i called my mom and told her that i had to shut my ringer

Pregnant Intolerance

Nymh's picture

Lately I have had very low tolerance for all the little things that I used to overlook. I have noticed that I am much more bothered by these things lately and at times have been going out of my way to point them out to BF and SS. Like for instance...(prepare for a bunch of bit$%ing and ranting)

Lonely Weekend

Fed Up And Wiped Out's picture

This weekend, the skids came over for the first time in a month. My dad's 50th birthday party was yesterday and I had to go alone because they were here and I don't want SD16 around my small nieces and nephews because I am worried she would be nasty to them just like she is to everyone else. I also knew that if she was there it would just ruin the day for me and I wanted to enjoy time spent with my friends and family. BF told me he would come, but I kind of left it known to him that I didn't want him to.

Thanks DH, not even sarcastic-shocked huh?

luvdagirl's picture

I was trying to put myself in his place to help GC, and I realized-how difficult it has to be to be him.
I know our end isn't easy by any means but I think I appreciate how complicated he has to feel- I worry about keeping my kids safe and happy, dinners, lunches calendars that stuff.....
DH has to worry about trying to balance his work demands with family demands, keeping me and the kids all happy not to mention spending time with his other family which is hard for him because he has so much on his plate.

Sigh... I'm free!

Dreamer's picture

I'm free till next Friday! No skids! Their BM ACUALLY! showed up! Can you beleave it? SD11 asked if I would tell her BM her feeding schedule. I said "Do what?" She said if I don't tell her BM then BM won't cook for her and she'll have to feed herself. I laughed. For a week know SD11 has been a pain in the butt complaining about my home, my cooking, and everything else. I told her it's one week you'll survive.
