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I'm not his babysitter....

Frustrated_in_Missouri's picture

So BF wants to get involved with the local ice hockey team doing stats. Home games are sometimes two nights in a row, Friday and Saturday. When these fall on his visitation weeks he seems to think that the 2 kids and I (6 and 7) will merrily just go to the game and watch. We wouldn't get to watch with him as he'd be off doing something else. He doesn't seem to get the fact that 1. that takes away from his limited time with his kids (he gets them only every other weekend) and 2... I AM NOT HIS BABYSITTER!


luckykell's picture

I feel like I need to "check" myself with you all. So Fiance and I are getting married Jan. 2011, been engaged 2 months, been together for over a year. DF and BM have been divorced 3 years. Scooty (SD5) started humming "here comes the bride"...silly me I was thinking she may be humming it for me (she loves that me and her daddy are getting married, she talks about it all the time). She said "no, mommy said thats what they played when she and my daddy got married, and she wore a white dress".

Do you ever feel guilty for venting here on Steptalk.

invisiblestepmom's picture

I am so glad I found this site because I have 10 years of stuffed feelings and no where to go with them but yet I still feel bad talking about my issues with these people in my life. I especialyl feel bad because BM and I are trying to keep the peace. We can be "friendly" sometimes but at the same time I have no respect for her. I jsut give her respect because I have to. So our "friendliness" feels fake and phony. I am faking for the sake of peace in my home.

Why do I bother?

Mantra_Momma's picture

For the longest time I wasn't doing SD7's laundry as a sort of sign of protest and doing only the things I absolutely had to do for her because she never shows any appreciation for anything I do. The last few times I've done her laundry because I felt bad that DH would have to do it after having a busy day at work. After doing SD's laundry yesterday I left the folded clothes on her bed for her to put away, which I always do. I assumed this meant she put them away before going to bed last night. I went in her room today and saw the clean shirts just lying on the floor!


Len's picture

So I too am having a difficult time and am trying to improve things so that we can have a better marriage and family life. Where do I begin? Her children are good kids and I do love them but there are rifts between us that are hard to get over. Too often are these guys feeling like I am the bad guy and there mother is the greatest and especially their father. I guess this is a source of frustration. BF lives in South America and hardly ever sees them. He calls and does love them but has made choices that keep them apart.

My boyfriends ex-wife is making my life a living hell. Please help

Frustrated woman's picture

I have been with my boyfriend for the past 2 years he has a son who is 14 and lives with us and a son who is 20 and is a United States Marine and is stationed in another state. My bf's ex-wife has made my life a living hell since day one, she has tried to manipulate both boys to hate me. Even the one who is a marine and doesnt live in the same state as us and is an adult he hates me so much and I dont understand it.

His ex is obsessed with him

adrianluvsart's picture

My husbands ex constantly talks to me about their past. Tells me things like, oh did you know art asked me to marry him when we were dating? Oh yeah did you know art was my first? Or things about my inlaws such as, oh I love my cecey (my mother in laws name is cecilia) and she will always be my only mother in law. When my mother in law hated her. My latest thing is my sister in law let me neice go over to her house this weekend to stay with my SD. I feel betrayed by my SIL. My neice can come over to our house whenever she wants and I just feel that was unneccisary.

The nerve of kids these days...

overit4tenyrs's picture

So DH and SD17 got into it last night about her moving out after her birthday. Initially DH was trying to work things out with her but SD refuses to improve. She has this woe is me attitude, she is always the vicitm etc. Anyhow, this morning SD's boyfriend decides to put a message to DH on his myspace page---You don't know anything about me, you don't know anything about your daughter, you sad excuse of a man"--- I was appalled that any teenager would think it was ok to be this disrespectful to an adult like that.

50/50 custodies and the frustrations outside the homes.

invisiblestepmom's picture

I'm wondering if anyone else has a 50/50 custody arrangment with no one being primary. We do and it is so frustrating when you deal with schools, doctors offices and pretty much anythig else because the forms have room for only one address for the child. No one is primary so who do you put down. We prefer it be us because BM does not comunicate with us very well unless she needs money for it or doesn't want to do it herself.
