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I wish BM was reasonable...........................

Zimka's picture

Just before BF3 and I advised BM we wanted to go to court to sort visitation out, BM needed SS looked after for two hours wednesday evenings and had ask if BF3 and I could do it we said of course we would love to...... cause we are not playing HER ball game by going to court she has decided that she will find any excuse so we don't get to see SS. Last week it was mothers day which we excepted as it falls on our time but when we asked for saturday instead she stated SS was busy (WTF he is 15 months old) what commitments would he have that wouldn't be able to be changed???? and it is only for three hours!!! Found out that BM had offered to look after a friends 2 kids and had to keep SS home so they could play!!! SS see's the 2 kids on a regualar basis as they are friends of both BM and BF3. The wednesday night isn't happening now because BM has got her flatmate to do it, not that she told us though she just wrote it in her blog. I hate that she can do this !!!!!!!!!!!


stuknaz's picture


these women (and I use this word loosely) will never change!!
We just have to come to realize and expect Drama and more drama with these people!!

"And this too shall pass..."