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Stepmonster - The Book - Every stepmother should read this book

ziggyhi's picture

Thanks to a recent post on this forum, I discovered the book "Stepmonster: A New Look at Why Real Stepmothers Think, Feel, and Act the Way We Do", by Wednesday Martin. It is a relavation after 29 years of being a stepmother. After all these years I have finally found a book that perfectly describes what I have been through, and why all my attempts to be the perfect, loving stepmother have been futile.

We have been led to believe that as stepmothers: "remember that his kids will always come first; leave disciplining to him; you will regret forever if you lose your temper or say something nasty to your stepchildren, so whatever you do, don't; with patience and love they will come around". Does this sound familiar? Does it describe how you handle your marriage?

If a spouse repeatedly takes the side of his children it is a strong message to the children that the stepmother has little value. A father and stepmother that do not present a united front to the stepchildren will only reinforce the divide that so many stepchildren use, and are usually successful in obtaining.

You can pull the book up on-line by going to Google books and typing in the title. You will be able to read many of the pages of the book, but not its entireity. It will be a wake up call to all of you!

I could go on and on about what I have discovered from this book........If you intend to remain in a marriage with stepchildren, then read it now to insure your sanity!!!!!!!!!! It might even help those who have not yet entered into such a marriage, and it will surely act as a caution that I wish I had had those many years ago. If you aren't making any progress with your significant other prior to marrying him, you are headed for a very painful uphill battle; one that usually the stepchildren win. Beware and be warned!


stepmasochist's picture

I have to admit, I have purchased this book months ago, but it's on my nightstand and I haven't gotten around to reading it yet.

"remember that his kids will always come first; leave disciplining to him; you will regret forever if you lose your temper or say something nasty to your stepchildren, so whatever you do, don't; with patience and love they will come around". Does this sound familiar? Does it describe how you handle your marriage?

Fortunately I can say that none of that is familiar to me and is not how I go about it and the skids and I get along wonderfully. A united front and my husband respecting me as a parent, not just a "step" is where it's at.

But I still look forward to when I finally get a chance to read it. Thanks for sharing the positive review, reminding me I should hurry up and do that!

kphotog's picture

Thanks for posting this. I just looked it up, maybe I'll put it on my Kindle and read it at night. Smile

bioandstep2009's picture

I haven't finished reading it but I felt that it was a good book, as it really explored why we sometimes feel the way we do. It also validated my feelings and I didn't feel so...crazy after all.