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young_step_mom's Blog

allergic to BM?

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As soon as E.T. found out I was in the picture she started acting crazy, so I pretty much knew from the get-go that she and I wouldn't get along, but it has gotten so bad that I am at the point where even thinking about her makes me physically sick!

and the loser is...

young_step_mom's picture

SS was born w a bad kidney and a little over a year ago they had to take it out. Ever since then, every 2 months he has to have blood tests done and he has a standing appointment w the doctor to have a check-up and go over the test results. I always dread these appointments, and not just because I worry about SS or because I have to spend the entire week before the appointment calming DH down, but because I know it means extended time w E.T.

back from visiting DH

young_step_mom's picture

So I just got back from visiting DH for the holidays and it was awesome! Except for E.T. and SS. E.T. was ok at first but once she saw me she went back to her old disgusting self. As for SS, no luck bonding. I really tried and we spent time alone together and played games and had a pretty good afternoon, but I still felt like a babysitter. I wish I could form a stronger connection w him, but I just don't feel it...I feel more hopeless every day. What to do, what to do? :? Oh, and Happy New Year to you all!!

So so mad!!!

young_step_mom's picture

I am so angry right now i could burst!!!!! E.T. has done it again!!!!! She got pissed at DH a couple weeks ago bc he called her to see if it was ok to drop SS off w her sunday morning instead of sunday bc SS was crying and said he wanted to go w mommy. SS is 3 and it was the first time he had spent more than one night away from her. i figures that was normal and told DH he should call E.T. and see what she said. she said of course no problem but later that night to tell him he was a douche and shouldnt "pawn" SS off on her. Ok maybe we shouldnt have called but wtf?


young_step_mom's picture

...and is not, as research had previously suggested, of the sub-human species classified as "Turd."

It took a lot of prodding, but I have successfully removed 90% of DH's balls from his stomach where they retreat to every time BM's name is mentioned. DH FINALLY called BM to let her know that I would be spending some time alone w SS when he comes to stay w us for a few days the week after next. He told her that he wanted to "let her know" so that there would be no repeat of last time (when she took SS away from me). BM said...SURE :jawdrop:


young_step_mom's picture

I really liked the idea of exchanging phone numbers and possibly even meeting up but there seems to be no one in Los Angeles!!!!! SOOOOO someone suggested a PRIVATE group on FB so that we can at least chat w each other. Hopefully this will make people more comfortable to exchange numbers, skype or even meet up (obviously not me unless someone wants come to LA for a nice vacation Smile )


young_step_mom's picture

Another poster mentioned possibly exchanging phone numbers and even meeting up in a group once a month for coffee or something to vent. I'm from LA, CA...any takers in my area?? Honestly, I am only 21 so most of my friends aren't married much less dealing w SK/BM drama and it would be so nice to go out to dinner w people who will say more than "oh, that sucks" in response to my soap opera life. Anyone??

debating whether to include BM plus BM moves in w BF and leaves SS?!?!?!?

young_step_mom's picture

So fall quarter will be over in 9 days Smile and then I am off to visit DH for the holidays!!!! I am soo excited!! It's our first wedding anniversary PLUS Christmas PLUS I haven't seen him in a month!! So...I have decided that I really want to try and bond w SS3 while he is still young so that HOPEFULLY I won't have as many problems with him when he gets older *fingers crossed*
