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young_step_mom's Blog

SKs finally seeing "the truth"

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Does this ever happen?

I have a coworker who knows a bit about my situation, and he told me about two of his adult kids who refuse to see/speak to him because of PAS from their mother growing up.  He didn't tell me ages or specifics about their situation, just that they are both adults and that he hasn't seen or spoken to either of them in years.


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I was talking to FIL last night about SS11 refusing to see us this weekend and he mentioned that SS had been in contact with FIL's GF via FB messenger.  When his phone broke about two months ago he told me he had deactivated his account but apparently they gave him a tablet and he's been reaching out that way.  I figured I would send him a message and try to talk to him.  Well, when I went in I couldn't find him on my friend's list, so I went into an old message he had sent and I got an error message saying I was no longer able to respond to that conversation because he blocked me.  It was

update - we did NOT get to see SS

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So DH and I decided to bite the bullet and spend the money to go see SS11 (5 hrs away) on the off chance that he would change his mind about seeing us.  DH called BM mutliple times Friday and Saturday and SS refused to speak to him and apparently kept saying he didn't want to see or talk to DH.  While we were on the road, DH told BM that we were already on our way and would be stopping by to see SS no matter what.  He said he would not force SS to come with us, but we were going to at least go by her house to see him and talk to him.  BM tried to say that DH must have done something to SS a

one step forward, one million steps back

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BM and DH have been at ends over CS for a while and it's been getting pretty bad because we live in MX and let me tell you that the corruption here is BEYOND ridicilous.  BM managed to have DH served at his mother's house (we live in a different state) thanks to a nice little "gift" that her lawyer suggested they pay the server.  Our lawyer had already warned us that the judge assigned to our case was not only 100% pro BMs but also 100% AGAINST fathers and we would more than likely have to appeal in order to get a more impartial judge, so the fact the she allowed him to be served this way i

SS has been here for 2 hours and 15 mins and I am already counting down for him to LEAVE

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DH picks up SS, we close up shop and go to a restaurant. SS eats and immediately wants to get up from the table. DH has to tell him about 20 times to sit down and wait. Then he starts asking for ice cream. Last time he had ice cream at this place he didn't like it and ended up leaving it. DH says we will go get ice cream somewhere else. Then SS starts asking for change for those little gumball machines that take a quarter and you turn the knob and they throw out some gum. Well this restaurant has like three candy ones and three toy ones.
