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posting photos on Facebook...

young but wise's picture

I was just wondering how you guys feel about posting any pictures of your children/steps on Facebook. We were having this discussion last night and i was looking for more opinions


twopines's picture

I rarely post photos of my DD or other family members. I directly email photos to family. If there are several pics, I upload them to my Photobucket account and send the link.

I never post pics of skids simply because I don't want them anywhere on my FB. Blech. Even if I liked them, I would not post their pics onto my FB because they're not my kids.

realitycheckmom's picture

All my albums on FB are only seen by certain friends. My whole page is private and the only skid pics up are the ones we took as a family or if DD is in them otherwise no skid on my page. My mom and I did facebook originally when I was pregnant to share pictures of DD when we were living over 500 miles apart. BM#2 took no pictures of SS and would take pictures FDH and I had taken from FDH's fb page until he unfriended her. BM still has her page open to everyone. She is an idiot.

purpledaisies's picture

I post whatever I want with both parents permission. But I've never posted anything bad or whatever. All nice cool pics and cute one or silly ones. The parents think its great when the boys are with us and yuck can see them having fun and stuff. But we have a much better relationship then most here. Not always the case but its much much better than iN the past.

But even when things weren't so good I could still post pics and none would get mad.

newbiestepmom25's picture

My facebook got hacked a while back and I had a stalker situation long story. So I deleted my facebook and I don't put any pictures of me or my fam online. I only email pics or or send them through text to friends and family. Call me over protective. I have my reasons. But I use to have pics of everyone SS5 included and I send out christmas cards to friends and fam with the whole family included.

Stepbell's picture

I do of my kids. I have family all over the states. I use to if the skids to be nice and let their families see them down here. I don't do shit anymore. If their dad wants to that's fine.

Lalena75's picture

I do but only people that can see any of my stuff beyond my profile pic (I leave that open for my stalkers) everything else is friends only and I'm picky about my fb friends people I actually know, networking groups with usually someone I know irl, etc I don't like crap cluttering up fb I just want to see my family, friends and our stupid crazy random posts.

young but wise's picture

I have always had pics of both SS and BD up on mine. It is the easiest way for my friends and family that I don't get to see every day to stay in touch and know what is going on in my life. I only have my family and real life friends on my FB page and I have my privacy settings really tight.

SO and I have always shared a FB but at the beginning it was just my name on it. It had all of his friends and family as well and he would go on it, but he always hated the idea of FB (says it is just a way for people to cheat on others) and never had an interest in getting his own. He says that we would both have all the same people on both accounts and that it didn't make sense.

When I first started posting pics of SS, BM had no problem with it. Then all of a sudden she got something up her butt and had a huge problem with it because "people are going to think it is ybw's kid." That is when SO and I decided to just add his name onto my account. We both go on the same one and we both post what we want on there. SO's response to her was "for 1 it has both our names now, and for 2, every body on there we know PERSONALLY. I'm sorry that you don't know every one on your facebook, but we do. Everything we put up there is appropriate for the audiance viewing it. We don't even put up bathtub pics like you do... we have 400 family and friends on ours, you have 1,900 family, friends, and strangers on yours."

Ended the drama pretty quickly.

Then all of a sudden last week my aunt jumped down my throat because I "shouldn't be putting pictures of children on FB"

Obviously someone doesn't know how to use the privacy settings... that is ok because she is now restricted. She can only view what I post as public... which is nothing. BM and her BF are on restricted as well. I used to let BM see everything but now I don't. Too many bridges burned by her and I really don't want her in on my personal life at all. Sometimes I will tag SS in a pic for her to see otherwise No Way In HEL! She needs not be a part of my daughters life.