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BM is never going to go away. UGH!

Willow2010's picture

We hear from BM more now, since SS is in military and deployed, than we did when SS lived with us.

Thanksgiving Day at about 12:30, BM calls DH. (she calls about once a month now for stupid random crap.) DH did not answer it. She immediately called back. DH answers it because he knows she will not stop. This is the following convo…

DH: Hello
BM: Why are you NOT picking up SS’s phone call?!
DH: UMMM..SS has not called me.
BM: Well he just called me and told me you did not pick up his call.
DH: I do not have any missed calls except from you.
BM: Well I just wanted to let you know that you missed YOUR SONS phone call.
DH: Ok…thanks I guess…if you talk to him again, tell him to call me and see if it goes through this time.
BM: OK fine bye.

So then DH was kind of sad the rest of the day because he did not get to talk to SS. And because BM acted like he did it on purpose.
Why does she have to be such a bitch about things? I used to think that the calls and the bad attitude would slow down A LOT when SS got out on his own. I was wrong….this idiot will be making these calls for the rest of her life and making DH feel like a bad person. BLECK!!


Cocoa's picture

she will keep calling because your dh allows her to. for piss sake, the boy is grown. it's none of her business how much/little they communicate.

purpledaisies's picture

Willow your dh needs to block bm. Ss is an adult and can contact dad on his own. If he says anythinh o hid bm then that is on him. But that bs needs to be stopped.

I would put my foot down on that.

Willow2010's picture

I know and I agree with all, to an extent.

See…if he tells BM to piss off, then SS would be upset and we can’t have that! So I see why DH does not totally blow her off. I see why, but I don’t have to like it. lol

SMof2Girls's picture

Maybe he needs to have a conversation with SS beforehand. There is no reason why a grown man (SS) can't understand why his divorced parents do not wish to speak to each other.

DH doesn't need to reveal details to paint BM in a bad light, but just clarify that it has nothing to do with SS and that he hopes it doesn't impact their father/son relationship.

purpledaisies's picture

Who cares ifbss gets upset he needs to grow up. He shouldnt be allowed to.dictate who you and dh talk too or not. Dh needs to grow some balls and tell his adult.son to and hqve his own life.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Our BM (even tho the skids are still minors) finds every excuse known to man, to call or text my DH on all major holidays. & I know Exactly why she does it!! It's so that She has en excuse to still talk to him. Why? Because she knows it bothers me. She used to send these sickly sweet texts like "happy birthday DH, remember when we... & how we loved each other so much'. Blah blah blah. DH told her to knock it off that her DH wouldn't like that crap either & to stop. So now she calls in Thanksgiving to boldly tell him that his SS11 gets sad & upset when my DH & I have "alone time". Wtf ever lady!!! We say that when we go out to smoke!! Lol. DH just laughed at her & said goodbye. But. She got to talk to him & that's what she wanted. Grrr.

Is it possible that she just found a veiled excuse to talk to your DH on a holiday?

Willow2010's picture

OMG!! I thought I had it bad!

I am not really so sure if it is her or SS that starts these calls. SS is always telling BM to call DH for some reason and he used to do the same with DH.

SS was stationed somewhere a few months ago and DH asked for his address. SS told him to call BM to get it. DH told him no abd that SS could certainly send his own address.

Hanny's picture

My SO's ex used to call all the time, mostly about nothing, but made it sound like it was about the 'girls'. On the day his youngest turned 18 he e-mailed BM and told her no more extras, no more money, other than what he already agreed to for college. No more of her spending money on the girls, and then asking him for his half. He told her if she wanted to do something then she needed to be able to afford it, and don't include him on any halfsies anymore. He hasn't gotten a call from her since October 1st. It has been glorious, she does text occasionally, but nothing like before. the girls are taking it well, they are now communicating with their dad more because they know if they don't, then he won't know what they are doing because he isn't discussing things with their mom any longer, any news, requests for money, etc has to come directly from them. He's loving it and so am I. Your DH needs to have a talk with his son and explain to him that he wants to hear from HIM...not 'about him' through BM. I'll tell you the DRAMA has lowered substantially.