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WalkOnBy's Blog

Long time no update - an ASS update is here!!

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When we last left off, ASS was  living in Austin, TX, working for Major Auto Company doing coding.    He was making a very decent salary.    That was last May.  

It will come as a surprise to no one that ASS and a big corporate structure weren't a good fit :-)  Mind you, ASS has been working remotely the entire time he has been in Austin, but he has found a new job in Dallas with a reasonably established start up - doing coding.  He has to pay back Major Auto Company about 6K of his moving/signing bonus, but his new salary will more than make up for that.

Thing2 Update...

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 Thing2  got a job as a Vaccine Scientist at a lab in  VA.    We found an apartment for him yesterday and we will head out on June 14th.    Luckily, there isn't much to move, as he can literally put his life in one very large suitcase, one carryon size suitcase and two duffel bags Smile

Another long overdue ASS update...

WalkOnBy's picture

When we last left off, ASS had gotten a job offer from AutoMaker 1 here in Michigan and accepted it.  Then, he decided he maybe didn't want that job afterall, so he continued looking for another job - something he was not really allowed to do and agreed to not do  as part of his university's recruiting process.   Long story short, he got another offer from AutoMaker 2, which was for less money, but was more suited to him, AND was in Texas. 

What's the point of the performance bond??

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So, here we are in March and guess who is already behind in her child support?  Yep - Medusa!!!

I asked the disbursement unit about it and this is basically the answer: she puts up the bond and we hold it (interest bearing, so she gets to make money for being a f*cking slacker).  Each month, if she doesn't pay, we will then disburse the monthly amount.   

Well, what do you know - OR - the tale of the performance bond

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Remember how at the show cause hearing, Medusa said she would put up a performance bond and then apparently did not put up said performance bond???   Good times, good times.

Well, not that this will come as any surprise to anyone, but she is in arrears AGAIN - hasn't paid a dime since the initial payoff back in early January.  No CS for January, no CS for February.   Michigan now has this great online site for CS and you can ask questions about your case and actually get answers fairly quickly!  

Another ASS update...

WalkOnBy's picture

I remember telling you guys about ASS's job offer from MajorAutoCompany - where he interned over the summer and which came with an 83K salary.  I think I told you guys that he was still keeping himself open to other offers, which is a huge recruiting no-no, but it's ASS, so what did we expect?  Smile

She paid...but...

WalkOnBy's picture

Apparently, Medusa waited until 4:45 pm on the 31st, walked into the FOC office with a big ole check, somehow convinced the case manager that she didn't have to put up the performance bond for the future child support and then told the case manager that she never wanted to see her again.

Well, THAT was interesting...

WalkOnBy's picture

So, DHand I show up to the MedusaCounty Circuit Court this morning.  We went up to the 5th floor, where there was a desk and a woman checking in the show cause hearing parties.  We checked in and then sat out in the lobby area to wait for Awesome Attorney.  He shows up and we move into the conference room.

Seated in this conference are about 30 chairs and about 20 tables with chairs set up around them.  Think like middle school parent-teacher conferences Smile
