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More details on the hearing yesterday

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OK-day one post surgery and my mouth feels like shit.

I have some more details on the hearing yesterday. AA said he just had to stand back and let her dig her own grave.

The following are some of the statements she made :

"Like everybody else in this court, you do not like women."

"Just like the judge, you are not being nice to me because I don't have an attorney."

Oral Surgery hangover BUT here are the results of the adjourned hearing

WalkOnBy's picture

I had oral surgery today so DH and I didn't go to the hearing in MedusaTown.

At 10:30, I came out of the oral surgeon's office to find these messages from Awesome Attorney.

You won

1500 att fees


She called me a liar on the record

She fought with the reff

He said the more you talk the deeper you dig yourself

She was fighting with him!
He's done with her

I'm going to call him later, but it sounds like the old Medusa was back ;-).

What do you all think about this?

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It really just boils down to this - ASS hates us because we have rules and he thinks rules are stupid. Or does it?

The other night, DH told me a story about ASS as a kindergartner. Apparently, ASS didn't like a certain kid in the class somehow he ended up punching this other kid in the face. ASS was taken to the principal's office, his parents were asked to come on down for a chat, which DH did (not Medusa, she didn't go for some reason).

"Please cure this deficiency" - OR - the letter to Medusa

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Around 9PM last night, I got an email from Perfect Paralegal. It was a draft of the letter to Medusa regarding the deficiencies in her discovery responses. It. Was. Awesome!!

Four pages of a paragraph by paragraph dissection of her responses, most of which ended with “your responses are deficient. Please cure this deficiency.” Bwa ha ha ha!

She showed up - guessing she wishes she hadn't

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Ba ha ha. She showed up. With her version of the Discovery. Referee ripped her a new one for making us come across the state.

Fined her $1000. Awesome Attorney asked why she didn't give the discovery to him at 8:30? No answer. Referee told her that if the discovery was inadequate, he would fine her another $1500.

She had her usual horseshit- this time her mom is sick, she had to take care of her blah blah blah. Awesome Attorney told referee that he would review the discovery but based on the thin envelope, he was pretty sure we would be back.

Will she or won't she? Place your bets!!

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DH and I are heading out to MedusaTown tonight for the hearing tomorrow. To recap, she filed a request to have her child support lowered back in September. Awesome Attorney sent out discovery requests to her since she opened the door and since I learned that she has recently opened a resale shop in MedusaTown.

Quick Wednesday funny - OR - new nickname for ASS??

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Because I don't call ASS ASS at home, I have taken to calling him The Anarchist. DH usually smirks a little bit when I say this.

Last night, we were heading up to bed when he turned to me and said, "do you know if the AntiChrist is home?"

I laughed so hard I damn near peed my pants. I told him that I didn't have any idea if he was home, didn't care, but I did love the new nickname.

He laughed and said he thought it was fitting.

That is all Smile

I am irritated.....

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The hearings on our motion to compel Medusa to produce her income related documents and our objections to the FOC support recommendation is in T minus 8 days.

I have taken some time on Thursday and all day Friday off of work. I have booked a hotel room at a very lovely and expensive hotel that is costing me very little (thanks, reward points) and I have made reservations for a strategy dinner with DH, Awesome Attorney and me for Thursday night, for which Awesome Attorney is paying.

Oh, for FFS!!!

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Just checked online....Medusa is pushing 6K in arrears.....

What a loser...


TOTAL $5,851.74
