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Attorney meeting with children present without GAL

violetforest's picture

Got a letter today from the attorney stating that there has been a request to set up a meeting between BF and BM along with both of their attorney's ALONG WITH THE 2 KIDS?!!!

Contempt and placement hearing is scheduled on the 29th against BM (BM has not filed for placement and she has not filed even one issue of contempt against BF, this is a first). Bm's attorney is requesting that a meeting be set up and attended to seek an agreement out of court. We have been through this several times in the past with BM. The kicker is they want the kids to be at the meeting without the GAL or court ordered family therapist for the children.

Has anyone ever heard of this before, what is the goal? Arent we supposed to keep the kids out of the legal issues?

Since there is court ordered therapy that is to include the BM, would this not be the role of the therapist to mediate an agreement and to help the kids to digest the information and such?!??? Bm is to participate but has refused per the therapist. I feel that this option has failed and I am sure that she is attempting to get an agreement settled out of court so that she wont be found guilty again of contempt and so she wont lose primary placement of ss13. Is there any reason that we should agree to a meeting when she has refused to follow the requirements of the court so far? :?


I am confused's picture

What is a GAL? Guardian Ad Litem or something? And what's their purpose?

And skip the meeting. If you've tried it before and been burned just go to court.

good luck!

JustAnotherSM's picture

There is no reason to bring children to a meeting with bioparents and lawyers, I don't care how old they are. This sounds like a setup to me. Maybe just a way for BM to try to save face in front of her kids? I wouldn't go. Take it to court and let the judge deal with it appropriately.

violetforest's picture

The GAL (guardian ad litem) report was due on June 15th but we still do not have a copy. (Her report would have been missing the 5 periods of visitation that was to take place, father's day, vacation week, midweek visit and weekend visit)

Our court order states that there is a court ordered family therapist and I feel that if she wanted to seek out an alternative expecially if she was going to involve the kids that she should have set up a session. I looked at the date of the last order and it was just over a year ago. We have gone through 2 high level therapist during that time that have documented that she refuses to allow me Stepmom to be involved at sessions even though the order states that I am to participate and cooperate. (BM is ordered to also)

Just to clarify also the oldest ss16 has always lived with us and up to 3 years ago when BM began to take only ss who was 9 at the time for visitation without the oldest ss both boys lived with us and BF had primary placement of both boys. BM then claimed abuse and got an emergency hearing stating that there was abuse, no evidence was provided and BF had to show up at court without an attorney because he was given notice less than 4 hours earlier. I do not put anything past this BM, even the therapist are at their wits ends - they have written letter documenting concerns with her but nothing has worked. Every order that we have had (7 of them) she has been found in contempt, no new order has worked without her manipulating the statements. (I will give you some examples, most of you will get a kick out of them)

I can not come up with one reason for BF to agree to attend - exspecially after him missing his placement time on Father's day.

violetforest's picture

Yes, the GAL in the case is the kids legal representive and that is what I dont understand. I have never heard of such a thing before. I am trying to talk BF into calling the Dr. level therapist for the case and requeting some guidance on this issue. Our oldest has ADHD and his anxiety level will go through the roof, I can not understand wanting to put him or either of the boys through this.

The last GAL was a brand new attorney and he did not have very much experience or children of his own. There ended up being a confict of interest in the case and we were able to get him removed. (He went to court giving his report without contacting either of the boys therapist or the court ordered therapist - thought he would just make all the decisions on his own - dumbass!)

The GAL this time is a female, she was a past DA and has had over 10 years experience working within this area. I am sure that she told BM the same thing as she did us that SS13 would be physically removed or sent to foster care if the order was not followed through. I'm sure that is why her attorney does not want us there.

My hubby made the statement "ya she just wants to the the "original" family back together. BM's current husband is not involved with the kids at all, she does not allow him to even tell the ss13 to pick up after himself, husband cleans ss13's room because he is a male (all things that she testified to in court).

Has anyone else out there in computer land ever had this request or attended such a meeting?