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I still can't believe it happened.

Vichychoisse's picture

I'm over it now - it took a couple of days, and we worked it out. But man.

SO and I had a pretty big blowout over the weekend, about many things. One of them was the expectations of me as a stepmother. I won't get into the details; it's too familiar to all of you I'm sure. But I will tell you this.

At one point in the argument, these words came out of his mouth, in regards to him "having" to do most of the child caring, discipline, etc., all on his own:

"I am doing you a favor."

Yes, folks. It's a favor to me that he raises his children so I don't have to.

And for those who don't know my story... it so happens that he doesn't have a regular job right now, and I pay for everything, including the skids who live with us full time.

I am kind of laughing about it now.


stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Lol, I agree with TwoPines!!! My gosh that was a stupid statement for him to say!! Sounds to me like he has the time to take the front seat of the parenting of HIS kids for awhile. Ok, Im kinda laughing now with you at that statement!!

Brady_Bunch_plus_some's picture

Its statements like that, so egregious, that make you stop and think ...

"What. The. Fuck? What am I doing here with this man? Paying these bills for a bunch of f'n kids that ARE NOT mine."

I hope you slapped his face. Or punched it.

Bubbly1's picture

I'm totally against hitting in any way, shape, or form. But, I agree with Brady_Bunch here. I hope you knocked the shit outta him for that comment!

It reminds me of when my x told me I should "thank" him for beating the crap outta me so I "could" get the pain pills HE was stealing from me daily! Really? Umm, NO!