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unbelieveable's picture

I am doing it. I am finally packing up and going...I can't take the stress anymore. FMIL is so crazy she is wrecking everything. FH and I have sat down with her several times and told her we are saving up to move - we want what is best for the girls. But she asks for money - we give it to her because we are under her roof. We buy groceries and everything else. Living there is NOT benefiting us at all. It is impossible to save up. That is it.

We have asked her not to say certain things in front the girls...we have asked her to smoke in the opposite room of the kids (she sits them on her lap and smokes - they wake up with nasty coughs the next morning), we have asked her NOT to give them potato chips and candies before lunch (we don't think kids should eat junk before lunch - and their dental history is out of control). She does not listen and will not respect anything we say. We only have the girls one night a week (which makes me sad sometimes in the first place). When they are there - we want them to have fun - with NO issues but FMIL is the one who creates the issues - she and BM are in kahoots (SP). Today was the last straw...She cannot and will not tell her grandkids they do not have to listen to us. NO MORE - we are packing up and moving out. The kids will only be allowed there for a few hours - but not unsupervised.

Remember this story - as it applies to the whole point of this...Last weekend fsd5 looked at me and told me I was "sexy." I asked her not to use that word because it is not a nice work for a 5 year old to use. She said okay. We have had to correct the kids 1000 times because they say offensive things constantly that they learn at BM's...they have used the word "HOMO" (thanks to their Uncle...which is wrong for 879897 reasons.) fsd5 said today, "The dog just had his nuts cut off..." When fsd7 was 5 she saw two people kissing on tv and said, "well- since they are kissing they are going to have loud sex now." - she was 5. what a good message to send to a 5 year old. of course FH called BM and wigged out. Well last weekend we have decided that we have a list of words that are NOT appropriate - and we would NOT allow the kids to say them and if we heard anyone say them around the kids - we would ask them NOT to say it. We discussed this with their grandparents since we live there.

So this morning...we go to pick up the girls. First off...I see that fsd5 is wearing striped rainboots I bought she and her sis last Xmas. They are huge and falling off her feet? Which leaves me confused so I just assumed she put the wrong ones on. (It is raining, sleeting, snowing, and everything is flooded here.) fsd7 is wearing a dress with maryjanes...that I could obviously see the dog had chewed...(of course shoes that I bought her.) So she FH puts them in the truck and he says, "(fsd7) where are your rainboots? you can't wear those shoes - you won't make it into the house - daddy's driveway is nothing but water and mud." so he looks at me and says I am going to go get her rainboots....he goes to the door and BM tells him the dog ate them. GREAT. There's another $50 on mine gone in one day. So - we are infuriated and he tells BM he will NOT be sending anything else home EVER again. Of course she is swearing at him? So I run into Kmart and grab fsd5 another pair of boots and put the ones she has on, on her sister since they are hers to begin with. We get home and FH is going off to his dad about the stupid dog and how she can't seem to teach the girls to put their own shoes in the closet - it's like she makes the dog eat everything we send home on purpose...(he was on a rant of his own)

in the meanwhile...I am in the kitchen putting away groceries when fsd5 brings in her new daisy boots to show her gram. Her grandmother looks at the boots...looks at me...and then says, "WOO HOOTCHIE MOMMA SEXY SEXYYYY!" Tell me that wasn't just despite me after we had that conversation just last weekend. Under my breath I say to her, "Well, I guess that is where she learned that from? I just told her last weekend those are not appropriate words for a 5 year old to say. We need to watch what we say - I don't want her going to school and saying stuff - I am sure there are other moms out there that don't want their 5 year old saying, "I look sexy" and we don't want any calls from the teacher" Out loud - in front of everyone...fmil yells, "This is my f*cking house and I will speak however the f*ck I want! And I will say whatever the f*ck I want to!" As she is kicking the trash can - then she turns to me and says, "I have three boys I raised! they came out just fine! You don't have children! You know nothing!" the other room FH is screaming at his mom - he thinks we are fighting over the fact that his mom said, "Ohh dogs will be dogs - I don't know why you're FW is always so upset that they eat everything (B*tch - it's my wallet their things come out of - and when I don't send anything home - she throws one of these tantrums too - since we only get to see the kids once a week (sometimes 2) it's a lose, lose sitation...

That was it today. I cannot live with this woman anymore. Right now I am at my mom and dad's rearranging my old room...and cleaning out the closet to make room...ugh.

Anyone have any funny mil stories to share or any advice? Something that will brighten my day?


Silver's picture


unbelieveable's picture

I grew up in a house where my parents just did not swear in front of us. they just didn't - we weren't even allowed to say, "That sucks..." hahah. My future SIL told me it should not matter what anyone else thinks - even if they think it is ridiculous- we can raise the girls how we want to..FMIL actually made me feel like I was the one who had the problem? But then I remembered - there are not that many parents out there that just freely swear and say whatever they want and talk about "sex" in front of children - they arekids - that is the last thing they shoudl be worrying about!