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This is what we get for being nice to BM......if SD16 moves back in I move the FUCK OUT!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

SD16 was sent to live with her BM that she hadn't seen in over 5 years. It amazes me that SD16 took back her cunt of a mother just like that! Now she is with dearest mommy with a cool nose piercing, a laptop, an iPhone, getting to do what she wants and not having any responsibilities.....Whatever.

So school is a month away and according to SO, SD16 should stay with her BM and finish up highschool there. So us trying to be the nice people that we (I say WE because I'm the one that sent the email) can be emailed BM SD16 immunization records. The content of the email said "SD16 will be withdrawn from the highschool here. For your records here are her immunization records" Okay....oh yes...BMs mother that BM lives with was CC'd just in case BM wanted to play the part of she never received anything from SO pertaining to SD16.

This is what BM came back with:

First email: I've got the tailend of this. School is still a month away but,Thank you, Cunt P.S. I love Jesus

And then she sent this email:
Do not email Inge anymore. She has no say in where SD16 goes to school or how I deside to parent. You know what my email address is! My Mother is tired of you involving her. If you do not stop trying to involve her, I promise, I will call YOUR MOM and tell MOMMY everything you and Ubrought have done to my children. I understand she is still alive and so is your criminal sister . I bet your sisters case cost you a nice little sum of money. You have made a real mess of these kids lives. You care about noone but yourself, bye Ubrought and Hello Jamaica. OOPS, I know your plans Steve. I told Ubrought, you were a user but it is just desserts for her. For the psycho behavior you two have been involved in and the way you have treated SD16 and SS15. Oh, and from now on I will use the correct phrase when talking about your hairplugs. We must call it hair restorartion and laser corrective
treatment. You are so full of bullsh#*. Was it 2000 plugs or 2500 from the slice of scalp they removed and put in the front of your Head. Ah, come on
I really want to know, NOT.

Find Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve and pray for your sole.

Oh my gosh......This lady never fails to amaze me! This is what we get for trying to be helpful to this cunt! Fuck you BM! And who in the hell is Ubrought!!! And what is the deal with "Steve" and hairplugs! Yes, my SO did decide to get hair restoration but that was 7 years ago! Why does she still harp on that! Is she supposed to hurt his feelings by telling him that!?!

BM is a true NUTBAG!!! And fuck SD16 too!!! That little bitch left here saying how she was not going to participate with talking shit about SO or I and there she goes talking shit AND telling her about their aunts business. Wow...Now SO says he is going to call SD16 and ask her if she wants to stay there or come back. If she says she wants to come back he is going to let her. If that does happen my days in this house and relationship are numbered.....I REFUSE to live under the same roof as that ungrateful bitch...Time to start looking for a "paying job".


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

You think it is worth sending an email to her mother and forwarding that email? So her mother can see what a fucken nutbag of a daughter she has or just leave it alone?

just tired's picture

Walk away from cannot change it at all. Walk away. They deserve each other.

Willow2010's picture

I would respond to the email, with history (AND COPY IN HER MOTHER). Tell her she must have truely lost her mind so you will not make contact with her again.

Annanymous's picture

Wow what a complete and utter bitch. You should never do anything for her. If she wants the school records or the shot records, the bitch can figure out where to get them. Also tell your DH that if the back-stabbing little mini-BM-bitch comes back to your house at all, you are OUT. She made her choice, she can live with it.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

BM would love to get a reply! Let her drive herself more crazy than she already is.....I know she is going
To be checking her email waiting for a reply. Knowing her she will also send the email again and again and again...wishing someone will reply back.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

BM is such a hateful and bitter bitch! And I can't believe SD16 told Her about their aunts business. Wow.

I really do NOT want to live under the same roof as SD16 especially when SO goes out of
Town a few times out of the year. His last trip out of town he was gone for 3 effin weeks! When he would go out of town SD16 always managed to be utterly disrespectful to me. SO wouldn't do anything about it when he would come back home. So SD16 would them
Act the same way when he would go out of town again.....

I HATE SD16 right now. Hate is such a strong word and emotion that I know I should not be feeling but I can't help it anymore. SD16 USED to be such a nice and sweet girl. Then all of a sudden she started to question her friends as to what Ubrngoutdbitchnme can and can't be doing...whaaaaaaatttt! Being extremely disrespectful to me telling ME that I had to respect her in order for her
To respect me! Okay...

DaizyDuke's picture

When I first read this>>>Time to start looking for a "paying job". I read it as "praying" job haha! Wow, this woman continues to be a lunatic. I didn't realize that SD moved in with her???? But.. that's where we are at with SD14.. she knows how to play both sides to get exactly what she wants, when she wants it and nothing will change unless DH puts a stop to his part in it.. which I don't see happening anytime soon.

I feel your pain!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

SD16 chose to runaway from her punishment...she snuck out and was
Drinking in her room. SO was out of town. SD16 wanted to be off being grounded after 10 days! She was disrespectful to me when I told
Her that her dad said she would stay grounded. I called him and put him on speaker phone and he told her to keep her mouth shut and her days of having sleepovers were over. Then SD16 "if you guys cant trust me anymore might as well go with my mom..." so off she went! Now we are dealing with her crazy mother and I do NOT understand how SD16 doesn't see how there is something wrong with her BM. Oh right! She doesn't want to see that her BM is crazy because then who is going to let her do whatever she wants and allow her to pierce her butthole!

Notmyownlife's picture

I HAVE to laugh at this,,I am so sorry but im also so glad I am not the only one to ever hear this,,,

BM LEFT DH 7 years ago to" find herself" well she found herself preggers with someone elses baby ,,they divorced, 1 year after the divorce our supervisers at work hooked us up, DH and I didnt know each other but we were goign through a divorce at the same time,,,

when ever BM gets drunk she will text my phone calling me names like whore, satanist, saying im psycho and ruining her kids and her life and how does it feel to lay in bed with a man who will never truly love me blah blah blah,,,,,,then she always ends her messages with praise baby jesus, LOL,

She acts like DH and I hooked up while still married to our other spouses, which we didnt, she has sent emails CC'ing ALL of DH family involving in them in stuff and ssaying each one has already said they would testify on HER behalf we abuse the kids and they all have emailed her back saying she is insane and to stop emailing them,,,,,,crazy people,,,,if she wasnt so much fun to watch self destruct I might actually be mad

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

My mistake was not blind cc'ing BMs mother. I wanted for BM to see I guess that we were sending her mother the immunization records.

Now I am upset because it seems as if SO is really serious about letting SD16 come back. FML!!!!!