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tsp_pa's picture

Finally got up the courage to take a stand. I am tired of putting on a smile when my in laws are around and pretending like nothing is wrong with SS situation. I decided I would not take part in his 15th birthday gathering. I don't think it went over well, but I had better things to do with my time like write out Christmas cards. Think DH will finally take me seriously about him going to live with BM. It would be different if SS acted like he wanted to live with us but he is doing horribly in school and having behavior issues in school. If DH is not going to spend time with his son why should I worry anymore.


Shaman29's picture

I feel your pain. DH's kid did the same thing when he was CP. She (his kid) came up with this wonderful plan to flunk 7th grade and split us up. She blabbed all to her counselor (who didn't mention a word of this to DH) and we only found out during the hearing when the Judge called the counselor as a witness. She planned it, executed it and was whole-heartedly encouraged by Uberskank (BM) to pull it off.

So back to Uberskank she went and I only have to deal with her EOWE. I had disengaged way before she moved back in and stop participating in anything having to do with her. I very rarely engage her in conversation and keep my trap shut most (but not all) of the time.

2.5 years to go. That's 66 3 hour round trip drives to drop her off at home on Sundays.

tsp_pa's picture

My SS is suppose to be seeing a therapist at school. Not sure what he is telling her. There was a message on answering machine from her for my DH to call her regarding his son. Her tone of voice made me feel like something is up but of course I will not get the respect to know if it is something involving me. I guess since I have said I don't want anything to do with SS anymore I won't know anything that goes on even if it applies to me or will effect my relationship with DH.

Reading your post helps me feel like I'm not going crazy and that Skids will and do do thinks to hurt step parents.

Good luck with your SD.