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Ten More Years!!!

thinkthrice's picture

Just passed the tenth anniversary of the un-official PAS out of OSS stb 22 and SD stb 20.   YSS's (stb 16) anni will be Sept 2019 where the coup de grace was over a homecooked meal.  To recap, Chef tried a reunion iin early 2012, out of spite basically, when he saw my bio, Awesomeson, complete basic AF training successfully and realizing his kids are nothing but POS.  Didn't have to be that way but then we are dealing with a complete BFFing, juvenile BM (Girhippo) facing off with uber guilty/disney daddy in a race to the bottom to see how low we can possibly lower the standards for human behaviour in, now young adult, children.

The reunion was a complete flop.   SD turned down Chef's attempts with a trained counselor three times flat saying she "wasn't comfortable" (code for: doesn't like the fact that dad *may* see through skid's bullshit) seeing Chef.

OSS, then 16 years old, basically paid lip service, took Chef's cell number and never contacted him again.

Still paying CS for SD and YSS even though radio silence and a refusal to let Chef know if SD is still enrolled in community college (I'd bet the ranch that she's NOT)

Yes 10 years of almost blissful silence on their part.  I say almost because the first few years after the PASout, the Girhippo would send highly scripted "from the skids" (TM) I-want-my-free-non-parental-status-babysittting back as well as walking ATM notes.  Any correspondence sent back to her would return unopened and refused as we were told communication was only one way, her way i.e. we could only communicate via her attorney no matter how small the subject.

Also because for the first few years of the PASout, Chef turned his sites toward ME as a scapegoat and started blaming me for the PASout.  The damage during those years will never be undone.  He was also warned about his disney/guilty act and about letting the Gir and skids walk all over him while he groveled to their every demand while I was treated as a fifth wheel.  He saw the light a day late and a dollar short.

The behaviour was that of the most extreme feral peccaries; so bad I couldn't care less if I EVER saw them again.  Then the fake CPS report, the using skids as spies, the stealing, the Girhippo's erratic rants over socks, etc. etc.   I had the most hope for OSS and he seemed the more civilized of the three but he is just a waste of space.   And I'd be surprised if SD DOESN'T end up as a welfare queen and if YSS DOESN'T end up in jail/prison.

Here's to 10 more years of peace!  (knocking on wood)



ndc's picture

Congratulations on your years of peace!

If sounds like Chef at least somewhat recognizes that his kids haven't amounted to a whole lot.  Do you think the Girhippo has any clue that is the case?


thinkthrice's picture

Those precious angels are on auto pilot.  She thinks they are the smartest, most wonderful children on earth.  I'll be surprised if YSS makes it through high school.  He just baaarely finished 9th grade with a boatload of truancy.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I envy you your years of peace! I wish the SDs would move to Kamchatka or Timbuktoo or become queens of some isolated tribe, never to be heard from again...LOL

BTW, I read "basic AF training" as "basic As F*ck training"... I should have had more coffee!