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The Pet Daddy T Shirt Was A Hit!

thinkthrice's picture

Chef very much enjoyed the pet daddy t-shirt for Father's Day with a customized cartoon that looks like three of our cats with their names.

Also my BIOS and their spouses got Chef prezzies as the stepdad.

I would just like to add that I hope his actual spawn, the Girhippo and her BM as well as all of his family members that sided with the Girhippo rot in hell forever.


JRI's picture

We can't make up for others' actions or lack of action.  You did the best you could today.  Perhaps his kids will come to mature reflection later down the line.  Hoping for the best for your DH. 

thinkthrice's picture

"Perhaps his kids will come to mature reflection later down the line"

The sun as we know it will extinguish before that.  The only way those kids will ever come out of the woodwork is if Chef publicly wins the multimillion-dollar Lotto.

As a rule we don't play the lottery.

Rachel29577's picture

I chuckled at "rot in hell forever" those are my exact thoughts with the BM and her spawn.