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The Animal Torturer (SD stb 24) is going back to school

thinkthrice's picture

For medical billing/coding.  Which is great but I can't imagine her working full-time at the local hospital information / greeting job and going to school online as well due to her extremely low work ethic and short attention span. 

She is no academic either and barely passed high school with a lowest possible passing grade  just to get her out of the system.  Went to summer school every year to make up for failing during the regular school year since kindergarten.

No homework assignments or classroom assignments were ever done.  In fact truancy was a major theme with all three especially the youngest two.  The Girhippo paid no consequences for educational neglect and just had the two youngest labeled as learning disabled – other.

Again, she is working at the local hospital / doctor's office which we would go to should we have a medical issue.  Who knows what she would do if she saw our names come up in front of her on the screen!

The HousesHitter at age 19 (YSS) continues to live at the Girhippo and Step daddy big bucks' house with only a part-time job and no school.  Of course this is New York state so Chef continues to crank out CS for him until he turns 21.  Seems he is only interested in gaming namely some anime game called Naruto.

Pass the popcorn please.


Harry's picture

It's good to see SD AT. Going back to school. I hope that school has really fast internet.  She can catch up on her social media.  Her e mails.  Her texts.   Crying to her bill collection people.  Medical Billing.  Think she got that letter last week 

thinkthrice's picture

I can't imagine her sticking to anything.   Her dad has ADHD and she has the attention span of a fruit fly.

Rags's picture

My SIL is our version of you SD.  Long story short, my IL's allowed her to graduate HS a year early due to a change in the State graduation requirements.  We offered to have her live with us and we would pay for college if she watched SS after school, mowed the yard, and kept the house orderly.

My DW pulled strings with her Alma Matter to get SIL in.  We rode SIL hard making her attend every class, do every homework assignment.  We were so mean!

Sorry 2

She kept a 3.0 GPA.  After a year, once she turned 18, she moved back to SpermLand to her BF.  Because of her GPA she got into a small local state university.  8 years and nearly $100k in school loans later they kicked her out for failure to progress towards graduation.

They cry every year when their tax return is confiscated and applied to their ever growing school loan debt.

thiscantbenormal's picture

Good luck to her learning medical terminology,  anatomy, and icd-10. LOL