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Aaaannnnnnnd Yet ANOTHER Detention/Referral for Blowing off Earlier Assignments

thinkthrice's picture

by YSS (14.5)BKA Prince Hygiene, budding felon.

And the teacher writes:

"After not completing several assignments due over a week ago, I told Prince Hygiene that he had to stay after school with me. I stated that I would need to write a detention referral if he did not show. He was a no show again."

This detention comes on the heels of Prince Hygiene flipping off an adult school monitor and receiving detention for that (which he didn't show up for that either)

Can a suspension be far off? He's already been suspended a few times during his scholastic career.


thinkthrice's picture

Right. Yes more detention and a "talking to."

I predict this is the year he will "discover" pot. I think OSS (20.5) waited until he was almost 15 to discover pot, but YSS will be an early bloomer by a few months if he hasn't discovered it already.

Ninji's picture

Schools out for our kids.

I'm actually happy about it. A break from text, phone calls and emails about SS.

ChiefGrownup's picture

I'm sure the girhippo told him to ignore that teacher picking on him and he was too good to do the work or sit around a detention hall.

thinkthrice's picture