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Update BM and boyfriend arrest, visitation, and the kids

theoutsider's picture

From my previous forum post,...

BM and her boyfriend have probation. BM allowed to have unsupervised visitation on her regular CO days, however the children are not allowed to spend the night until the order is revisited. My SO gave me a quick briefing over the phone and it mostly focused on how much more he is going to have to drive because of this. The visitations start tomorrow, 8am to 8am.
I'm a little pissed, my SO is a lot pissed,... the driving still has to be split.
BM comes to pick them up at 8am, my SO has to go pick them up at 8pm at the end of the visitation,... This is one week on one week off until school starts,... 7 days strait of driving every night 7pm to 9pm round trip!
I don't get why he has to pay for 7times more driving an hour away to BMs because she has probabtion and limited visitation,....

AND to top it off the 12 year old is freaking out about going back there. AND that BM told her to make sure all the kids are wearing "good clothes". She immediately picked out her clothes and laid them out on her dresser and in the last two hours has asked the other two kids twice to go pick out there clothes that she doesn't want to get yelled at for the way they dress,....


theoutsider's picture

I think the long my SO thinks about it the more he fumes,...

The kids HAD a cell phone, it came back crushed after the incident which caused these "non-overnight visitations"
And the oldest girl is already in therapy with a professional, the younger two see a school counselor once a week during school-nothing during the summer, which is in the process or changing.

Chances are BM will never think of her kids over this guy,...
The oldest girl has memories of going to visit "mommy's boyfriend" while her mom and dad were still married and memories of her mom telling her boyfriend "SHE knows! SHE knows about us! Now is the time to leave her!" and the now 12 year old girl said she KNEW then that her mom's boyfriend was married...
She has been in therapy for about a year now.