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It didn't take long, but she came around...

thelaststraw's picture

FDW has seen the light and there's been nothing said about my getting my bio's this coming weekend.


I have an indoor triathlon on that weekend too...


thelaststraw's picture

"You have as much right to be with your kids as she has with hers. Also, don't let a fiance dictate when you can see your kids without her. that's real controlling and will probably get worse after you get married."

True. I am in the process of working her through that. She has a preconceived notion that goes beyond "if you want me, the kids come with" that extends to "if you loe me, you MUST love/like my kids as well". That's a tough one. Not saying the kids don't have stuff to contend with but one of them has something going on in his head to where he lies about EVERYTHING.

"The mother would have a reasonable right to know who/where her children were staying. How would your ex wife be able to know for sure her kids were not at risk in the home?"

If there is one iota of risk for my kids, I'm gone. I don't see it. Not saying I am omniscient, but I don't see it.

"I'd be worried about the influence their stepsiblings could have on them with a father in prison. Sorry, that's just the way I'd be unless I knew 110% he was innocent (NOTE: in my career in mental health I've been around a lot of people incarcerated. most were guilty)

How long will her ex be in prison and how do you know he is innocent? What was he convicted of?"

He's in for 44 years. I've alluded to what he's done, but I won't give specifics in this blog.

"PS: Good luck with your triathlon. You will find a triathlon is much, much easier than stepparenting "

Training is the only thing that keeps me sane...