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BM has seriously lost her freaking mind!!!

Tabitha255's picture

SO went to drop of SD13.. BM is staying at another house.. I am losing count of how many places she has stayed!.. BM uses her. "Friends" until they are tired of supporting her then they get rid of her.. When SO got to the place she is staying this week.. BM proceeds to tell him that the house she has rented isn't going to work out because the last friend she used up is across the street.. SO said it was a really nice older lady BM and SD are staying with.. As they were all in the driveway talking, BM said to my SO that maybe they could be roommates since he hasn't technically moved back into my house yet.. He said all he could do was laugh.. He said he told her that he and I are livin together and she said well you still have all of your racing stuff at your house.. SO told her it works better for us because everything else is at my home.. His best friend still lives there and their shop is there.. He said he didn't want to tell her we have been saving to buy a house because BM would beg even more for money. I don't put it past BM to make SD beg to get a house the 3 of them can share.. I know SO wants her to have a stable home life with BM but that isn't our fault.. It's not even for stability to BM, it's a free place to live and still get her child support.. I am just sick of this freaking cow!.. Last weds I had SD while SO was out of town working so BM could go to bar and celebrate her 48th birthday!! She has a lot to celebrate, she is 48 years old, no home, no car, can't keep friends and barely has SD... At least she had that $1200.00 child support check to party on!! The area she lives in BM could pay rent and power with half of the child support!!! Lazy cow just wants a completely free ride! Sorry for ya BM!! You never had SO and you are NOT getting him now!! Thanks for letting me vent!! Just really pissed off with the lazy worthless BM!!


CompletelyPuzzled's picture

I can't believe she asked your SO to let her live with him. Our BM is worthless as well. $1200.00 in child support when she barely has the kid!!! Having kids and refusing to work has become a profitable business.