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Alec Baldwin to write book on injustices to divorced dads

SympatheticBioDad's picture

Alec Baldwin to write book on injustices to divorced dads
Alec Baldwin is not going to lie down and surrender to the furor that erupted when his obscenity-laced voice mail to his daughter was released to the media. No, he's going to write a book about the most victimized group of individuals on the planet, people dragged through our "justice" system and beaten down by the laws and by cruel judges, people alienated and disenfranchised. You guessed it: wealthy celebrity divorced fathers. Well, not necessarily just wealthy celebrity fathers, but Baldwin has said that he plans to write a book about the injustices done to divorced fathers. I'm sure there will be a chapter on Alimony. And another on child support. And a conclusion about how much it sucks when your ex-wife says you can't drive your Ferrari anymore because it's not safe for Ireland and then you turn on Cinemax that very night and see her in 9 and 1/2 Weeks and you remember how when you were fighting that one time and she told you that every time over the years she said she was visiting her mom she was really going over to Mickey-freaking-Rourke's house and how she even said once she made it with one of your brothers (although she wouldn't tell you which one---probably the one who's all Jesus-crazy now) and goddamn it Kim all you can do to keep your sanity is have another Scotch.

Baldwin announced his intentions to publish the book on the ABC talk show the view, while discussing the idea of 'parental alienation; with those opinionated broads. Baldwin speculated he might need to leave his successful TV comedy series, 30 Rock, in order to have time to write the book.

Wow, I don't think I'll be reading his book. No matter what the kid did or his situation, what he said was just not right.

I can't wait for his daughter to write a book though. Smile


Realist's picture

Thanks for a smart and witty post!

Has someone told Alec Baldwin that his daughter is old enough to decide whether she wants to "see" or "hear" from her father and that maybe his "parental alienation" is - shock horror - not a result of the courts but could be attributed to himself - GASP Smile

Anonymous's picture

Please someone call the WHAAAAAAAAAAMBULANCE!! To take that abuser cry baby away!

Hey AB, Don't you think theres valid reason why a 12 year old doesn't want to see your rageing ass!? Your still bitching about what your ex wife did.....your only showing us even more that your claim of PAS is bs.

Anonymous's picture

I think he should write the book and I believe that while his personal intentions are mere scandalous, he will bring light to the issue that a lot of fathers are alienated and courts do not up hold the same standards for fathers as mothers and vice versa. Mothers are so above it all, they hardly get jail time for contempt of court violations, and get away with merely a slap on the wrist, if any. Yet if a father is late on payment or in contempt, you better believe that judge will throw the book at them.

So, I look at it as an avenue to explore.

I also happen to personally know that Kim has pulled stunts against Baldwin, and unfortunately, the media exaggerates and twists things out of proportion. While the outburst that Baldwin did exhibit was out of mere frustration over countless issues that build up and exploded. I know that there are other fathers out there, out of the celebrity spot light, that have lost there tops as well. While yes, it may not be right, however the only reason people are rallied up against him is all due to the fact that he is a celebrity and we hold our celebrities to a high standard and expectations- they are in the constant privy of the media. And, I also know that celebrity children are in a total and utter different world and have quite attitudes at times. So, we don't know the total circumstance of what lead up to this outburst, instead, we have people jumping on the band wagon, pointing and screaming witch! witch! as if on some Salem witch hunt. Personally, I'd give the guy the benefit of the doubt and try to understand what lead up to this incident. We all know he has a temper, yes, but so does Kim, and Kim has countless violated their court order visitation. So when is she ever going to be accountable? She won't, and the worst part of it all isn't because she's a mother, but she's a celebrity mother.

Candice's picture

and really open up the eyes of America and give divorced fathers an avenue to shed light on how unfair the justice system is. I don't condone his verbal assault on his own daughter, but I sure do understand his frustration (been there).

Annonymous has it totally right, bm's that flat out refuse to cooperate with divorce decrees simply get nothing, while dads who do the most minor of offenses get jail time or heavy penalties. And imho, it is never about the money, it's all about being vindictive. There are a lot of bm's out there working very hard to prevent their children's fathers from moving on with their lives, afraid of being left in the past, and they used their children as pawns to hurt others. It's so sad to me.

All I know is that I hope he does write the book and shed some light for divorced dads out there.


Anne 8102's picture

What Candice said goes double for me.

~ Anne ~

We are the masters of our own fate; the architects of our own destiny.