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Ex parte update

Sunflower1's picture

We managed to get a stay on the ex parte hearing. We also got BM's affidavit. She's accusing DH of emotionally and verbally abusing SD to the point that SD is self harming.

BM is saying that she had to ask SD multiple times and got multiple stories before she got the story she believes to be true. She claims SD finally fessed up that her dad throws things at her head, calls her fat, ugly, says she has a big forehead and nose and that she's stupid. She also claims DH looks at her a certain way that triggers SD's fragile emotions, I guess that's what happened on her last visit. DH looked at her so she went to the shower to self harm. There's a great deal wrong with all of this, one being SD had the rug burn on her cheek when she walked in the door, for another, I've never heard my DH even raise his voice at SD let alone say what they're accusing him of.

I don't know what we do. SD may be just telling her mother what she want's to hear, on the other hand I've always heard these kinds of things continue to get worse. It was substance abuse accusations last year, emotional abuse accusations this year, what will it be next time? Do I continue to encourage DH to fight for his time with his daughter or does he take a step back? I feel like either choice he makes can and will haunt him forever.


Acratopotes's picture

I would step back and tell DH - from now on you are on your own... soon BM will imprint it in SD's brain that DH molested her.....

Dh can simply try therapy but he should be very very careful not being alone with that daughter... BM is behind it all is my gut feeling and SD feeds on it.

LochnessStepMonster's picture

DH might want to back off a little. It's terrible but it sounds like SD is being manipulated and will be forced to say anything BM wants her to say. Maybe develop a relationship when she is older and out from her mother's care

Sunflower1's picture

We have a great fathers rights attorney, we just don't have 20,000 to dump into a court battle. SD is fourteen, so DH is thinking we get her a counselor and have visits outside the home for now. Our attorney thinks he can get full custody based off the alligations, but he doesn't know if he wants to do that. He understands that he needs to protect himself too

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Holy crud on a cracker, sunflower1. I would get cameras installed in the house stat. Just because a single accusation could unravel your life.

How old is SD now? I think if I were SD's dad, I'd be having talks with her about what it means to tell the truth every single day and put her in with a good therapist, so if you needed a witness, you can use the therapist.

Sunflower1's picture

She's 14, old enough to know better. We purchased a home security system that we will be putting up before she comes back for a visit.

Sunflower1's picture

DH is going to ask for court appointed counseling. SD has been seeing a counselor BM picked for five years, if she is self harming that counselor clearly hasn't helped.