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Gain custody of non-biological daughter?

SteppingUp's picture

My DF has been raising SD4 since she was 6 months old. Bio father pays BM $300 a month and has visitation of her for two Saturdays a month, but we know that he rarely ever "sees her" those weekends as SD4 actually goes to HIS mom's house for those days.

Otherwise we have SD4 every other weekend (the weekends bio-dad does not get her), plus two or three days a week (alternating weeks). To sum it up, WE have non-biological SD4 MORE than BM has her own daughter.

DF feels that it might be possible that SD4's bio-dad might sign over his parental rights...especially since that will mean he won't have to pay child support.

What would be the benefits for DF petitioning for custody of her? Would it matter? Would DF just end up paying BM more child support because of it?

DF feels that he would then have a say in SD4's life (especially as she gets older into school age stuff) rather than feeling like unpaid babysitters...


SteppingUp's picture

Sorry, I know it's confusing...

DF was dating BM after she already had the little girl, and raised her as his own. Two years later they had a son together. So he has two kids, one biological son who is 2 and the girl he has raised as his own although she is not his bio-daughter, who is 4 (the one the blog is about).

That help? Smile