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Lying cheating ass wont sign the divorce papers

stepmomto2many's picture

The ass that cheated on me thru text and emails and I found pictures of him face planted in BMs crotch wont sign the divorce papers. The ass that cheated on me with women with penises. I love the lGBT community I just hate cheating assholes. He won't sign the divorce papers. He is staying with a female "friend" who he probably cheated on me with as well. I told her how he gave me something I could cure but still gave me something. She kicked him out and let him come back. This man is the scum of the earth and I'm done crying over him. I am still hurting but I don't want to cry another tear for him.

He refuses to sign the papers he keep begging me to take him back. It was all a mistake and he would never hurt me again. He even had MIL call me and beg me to try to save or marriage for our DD3's sake. No She deserves for her parents to be happy and I won't be happy with that piece of shit excuse my language. He has even offered to have an open marriage. That is not happening. He offered friends with benefits who just live together. No not happening I don't want his filthy self anywhere near me. He has shown up on my porch with flowers and candy and a sorry note. He has received a slap in the face a ripped up note thrown in the face and a door slam. I allow him to play with DD3 every now and then but that's it. I never liked the word hate but my heart has blackened to him. He broke me.
This man would go out and have his face in other mans asses and other women and even BM then he would come home and kiss me and lay in or marital bed. I feel dirty and ashamed. He took pictures like it was a game and didn't even try to hide them because I found them. His penis has been God knows where. He will never touch me again! I HATE him!

I just want him to sign the paperwork and be done with this. He says he will sign the papers and give up full custody of DD3 without a fight if I agree to let him move back home and have occasional relations. I want to go after his penis with a chainsaw. I'm sorry for this rant but I can't talk to anyone else about this.


New second wife-step-mom's picture

Wow. All I can say is you are right. You would have to be crazy to take him back or mess with him again. :sick:

just.his.wife's picture

Get him to say that in writing, via text or email. Then get him for sexual extortion.

VioletsareBlue's picture


onebanana's picture

Hi, can you explain to me what is sexual extortion? i mean I know the meaning of extortion but I can't figure out where it is in this post so I guess I got it wrong..

onebanana's picture

Wow that's just disgusting.. Give up rights of his own baby daughter.. wtf

Thank you for the explanation!

RedWingsFan's picture

I was lucky enough to get my dumbass ex to sign before he took off for his mommy's across the U.S.

Hanny's picture

Of course he's agreeable to an open marriage, that's pretty much what HE"s been doing all along. I don't know what state your in, but I hope his not signing doesn't hold up your divorce. Stay strong and Good Luck. And yes your daughter deserves more and you can give it to her.

Lalena75's picture

Take it to court my exh never signed the papers it was a default divorce because he didn't contest, never showed to court. You too can get a divorce, get a lawyer and they can move to have you divorced without him signing shit. All you have to do is either have whatever proof of the cheating you have for adultery as your reason for divorce and mental harm (which would be the adultery as well as whatever he gave you)in a no fault state usually there is a waiting period to no fault divorce, me I used the above 2 reasons as I wasn't waiting to be separated a year. Oh and adultery can sometimes be used to get maintenance. If your state still has the old laws on the books you can civil suit him for the tort laws criminal conversation, and alienation of affection. (I threatened these to get him to not show up for the divorce) you can sue him and every single lover he's been with that affected your marriage if your state still has them on the books.
Vent away I've been there and I was a mean vicious woman and force to be reckoned with during the divorce.

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh honey, I am so sorry you are going through this.

Me? I'd play him like a mother fucking fiddle. Tell him, you've thought about it, that you will allow him to move back in if he'll sign the divorce papers. Then once those papers are signed, you throw his shit out on the street and burn it, change your locks, change your number and take some of those pictures you found of him and print them on fliers and nail those suckers to every phone pole, watering hole, stripper pole in town so everyone will know what kind of man he is.

VioletsareBlue's picture

Bwahahahaha! I do like this approach and I damn well would do it.
Meet in public (bank with a notary), have him sign and then high tail it to the court house. Have the locks etc changed already.

misSTEP's picture

Damn straight. This low life POS deserves nothing better than a hugely evil, horrible BM 1000x worse than any we talk about on this site.

Does he have a FB page?? Can you create one for him?

Sorry that he has caused you all this pain and now wants to draw things out further. Yeah, like you guys having an open marriage is going to make you take him back. DUH. Him CHEATING on you was the issue in the FIRST place. Not to mention being a lying manipulative DICK about it as well.

Tuff Noogies's picture

you should still be able to go ahead with it whether he signs anything or not. if he doesnt' show, then it's uncontested and the judge will grant it to you. if he shows up and contests, it appears you have plenty of proof.

there are some places that will allow you to issue a public notice of intent in the newspaper that also gives the date and time- i wonder if you'd have that route available- if so, hopefully he or his family wont see it and will not know about the court date until it's past.

Shaman29's picture

I would take it to court and sue him for divorce and use the photos and emails you have as evidence.

ETA - You can also use your recent Dr. visit and diagnosis as evidence as well.