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Just don't get it

stepmom2fk's picture

I don't understand how BMs would choose a man over her kids or how a BM would allow their teen daughters just run off with some guy she doesn't know. Or why she would buy a 12 and 16 yr old ciggs and booze? I find those people to be worthless. How do you get through to a teen that you are only acting in their best interest? Being a SM for 8 yrs has been the hardest job I have ever taken on. It is rewarding but dealing with a BM like mine has been hard. She is a greedy, its all about her, nothing about the kids, meth doing, child molesting b*******. (excuse the mouth)I just don't know how much I can handle but I love my man and my SDs.


CrazyCubanStepMOM's picture

Hey Stepmom2fk Do you know my skids BM? YOu sound just like me except I dont think that she would actually buy the kids ciggs cause my DH would hurt her. Mine recently got out of rehab (2 weeks ago) She is either doing meth or crack or both who knows. Not an easy situation. Good luck though. You are def. not alone.

stepmom2fk's picture

Hey CrazyCubanStepMOM Yes I know her. I knew her before me and my hubby got together. I have known him since we were kids. Its nice to hear I am not alone but I don't know where to go with all this. Since on SD is going to 18 soon and I have been the only mom she has known really for the past 8 yrs. I help pay for everything for the SDs. The BM pays a whole $1.10 in cs. She refuses to help with any medical. She told me that it is my responsibility. When????? I didn't have these kids. I don't mind taking care of them. I love them to death but why is it I have to be the parent and she gets the glory?