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SD15 playing victim.

stepmom2011's picture

After all the times she kicked my ass and I finally got the courage to call the police, after two vacations to juvie, and 8 months of separation from my husband so he could work with her... she is now playing "Victim!" She's saying she only acted those ways because I either hit her first or I "deserved it!" This was to the parenting coach my husband is working with (I think he doesn't like the words counselor or therapist, although I am a play therapist by trade.)Parenting coach challenged SD15 on each thing she shared. SD15 has no credibility.

I was talking to DH about putting a couple CC security video's in the house. One for the open kitchen/living area and the other in the hall that shows the stairs. He is not taking it seriously, but one day SD15 is going to twist what is going on and I am going to be blamed. I want proof she is not being mistreated here. She is choosing to hide in her room, prepare her own food long after the rest of the family vacates the kitchen. But I can hear her telling someone she trusts that we make her stay in her room and won't feed her or help her with homework. She is choosing these behaviors. I am very glad that SS20 has decided to move back home and commute to school to save money. It's another person who would protect me and be a witness to any situation that occurs.

In the meantime, I am still organizing the house. I accomplished in 6 hours yesterday what needed to be done for 15 years! DH and his late wife moved a lot for her work. So some of the boxes I hauled out of storage had been moved every two years and never opened! Most of it was garbage! The movers came and packed and moved everything. Only necessary things were unpacked which left a boatload of garbage! DH freaked out a little because I had the whole pretty basement littered with piles while unpacking and organizing. It was very difficult going through EVERY SINGLE RECEIPT AND PAPERS from the 20 years they were married before she passed away. I moved her wedding dress, and personal memories box. It was like stepping on her grave (although her ashes are in the formal dining room hutch that we never use.) I was in tears a couple times, but got through it all. I don't even want to THINK about the garage yet!

I think I'm going to use my blogs as reminders of when incidents with SD15 occurred so that if I ever have to defend myself... I can. Luckily for me either DH or SS20 were present for all but two of the times SD1 attacked me. Glad I found this place. Thankful for the support. It's nice to know I'm not alone.


oldone's picture

So she really hasn't changed one bit has she. Instead of attacking you physically she's now attacking you verbally with lies.

Do protect yourself. This is not going to have a happy ending. Does your husband think she's a changed person? Because she is not.

Lilly Grace's picture

Absolutely set some cameras up. If your DH won't do it himself hire some one to set a system up for you. Like others have said protect yourself! Good luck!

Lalena75's picture

Regardless of what he wants you have to protect you. there are some good nanny cams out there that look like ordinary household items get a couple for your piece of mind and protection.