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Good Vibes Please

Stepmom09's picture

I have been putting feelers out there for a new job recently. I love where I work but honestly I can only do this job here forever. There are no promotion opportunities. Well this week I got 2 interviews. One would be fine but one I would LOVE to work there. It is the type of company I can see myself staying with for a long time. Good Vibes that all goes well.


Tuff Noogies's picture

best of luck!!!!

we've hired 4 people in the last 4 weeks. total of maybe 30 interviews. i can tell right off the bat whether it's a good fit or not. there was one hired who i did not get a good gut feeling on when she first walked in for her interview. she lasted literally 15 minutes.

go in, be confident, and own it!!! u got this. whatever outcome happens will be the right one.

Tuff Noogies's picture

dont give answers that you *think* they want to hear. if it's YOUR answer, go for it, but dont try to mold yourself into who you think they want. that's pretty easy to pick up on and will make you look wishy-washy.

make sure you look professional and put together for the field that you are in. i've had people come to interviews in velour hoodies, leggings and ballet flats. which might be all well and good to someone else, but not appropriate at all for this type of business.

stand tall, shoulders back, and have a nice handshake - that projects confidence and capability. the first contact they have with you, they should be able to sense that you are ABLE to fill the position well.

if u've got aspirations of moving up in the company, make sure they know that - it shows that u're in for the long haul and u've got goals and commitment (as long as u're not gunning for the interviewer's position, lol!!). be upfront and matter of fact when they ask you why u're wanting to leave your current job, without shining a negative light on your current employer or coworkers.

and feel free to tell them "i WANT this position, i feel i have so much to offer here, and yet there is so much i could learn. this is truly the opportunity i have been looking for."

we have hired many people over the years that had no experience in this field. hell *i* didnt have experience either when i started 15 years ago. but they were good, faithful, hardworking employees who i wouldnt have traded for the world. a lot rides on how you present yourself, which is why i said, YOU GOT THIS!

LikeMinded's picture

Yeah, that's true about the hand shake. We just interviewed someone, and she was really qualified, but that handshake... she just put her hand there for you to take it, but she didn't hold you back, lol!

It did leave me with a wierd impression.