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Need advice...SS is coming and dread is consuming me!

StepG's picture

I am not dreading the fact that SS is coming I am happy to see him. I am dreading seeing him walk in on his bottom lip. See BM calls H at 6:30 this morning to very rudely inform him that she will be dropping SS off tonight. She is so hateful all the time. Well very few and far btw are the times that she drops SS off. H usually does all the transportation. Anyway whenever she does bring SS she grills him the whole way over here about coming and how awful we are etc. essentially make SS feel bad for coming and dreading the situation cause of how his mom will act. Even though SS will not admit it we see when the pull up the look on her face and that mouth running 100 miles a minute. BM and SS both look like sore tail cats when they get here and it takes SS a good hour to 2 to perk back up. Usually the factor that perks him up is do I have to stay here tomorrow and we say yes it is our weekend with you and he says yessss under his breathe. Well I do not want to waste up to 2 hours of our visit with him moping and feeling bad because of his PHB (psycho-ho-beast) mom. What can I do to change that mope attitude when he comes? SS really does love his mom and he really does love us. Me and H know that, accept that, and encourage that. I just cannot figure out how BM can say she loves son and do him the way she does about us particularly his dad. Any advice on how to handle SS being down when he gets here? I have tried all kinds of things... Today will be particularly bad as we are going to beach next weekend and we are doing some prep stuff for that so she will be riding him about that. She is jealous of her own son!


B's picture

How long is your SS staying this time? My SD used to be the same way - it would take a while to get her to settle in and relax when she was in state and we had her EOW. One day I decided to try something, she likes to play board games so I started naming off a bunch that we had in the closet and then asked which one she wanted to play the next day. She perked up because she immediately knew she was staying and because she knew there was something planned for the next day and she was involved in planning it. She's out of state now so we literally feel like we are in 'damage control' mode the first day or two of her visits, but once she settles in and knows that all is good here as usual things go pretty smoothly. Now we have to work on the 'guilt parenting/spending...' one thing at a time I guess. Smile