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gettin close

stepcrazy2's picture

i feel like its a count down until we pick up the sk's wheew and then a count down until they leave wheeew wheeew!


EPMom's picture

If it makes you feel any better, it's the same at my house too. about 3 days before sd arrives I dread it, then once she gets here I'm trying to figure out ways to make the weekend go faster so I can have our home back again and my dh (he totally changes when she's here). LOL Then I'm stress free for a week and a half. LOL Not funny, but if I can't laugh about it....I'll lose it! :o(

pixie1024's picture

EPMom, what do you mean "he totally changes when she's here"? Just curious because I've noticed a change in my FH when the SD's come over too.

EPMom's picture

He turns to puddy in her hands. He gets a long great with my son for the two weeks she is not here, and then when she comes, my son is to blame for everything. He won't joke around like he does when it's just us, he's afraid his 5 yr old daughter will get upset (we tease, torment and poke fun at each other), the house work goes to the way side, and god forbid if I ask him to help out when she's here. I remember one time I asked him to help me, and he did for all of 15 minutes. His daughter occupied herself but he said "what's the sence of having her if I can't spend time with her, she might as well have stayed with her mom". all over 15 minutes of help. He wants life to come to a halt when she is around and make sure everything we do surrounds her. I put a stop to that though. I told him straight out that I don't stop my life (cleaning, errands, joking around etc) my oldest boy is over, I include him in them. I'm not about to stop my life for someone else's child when I won't do it for my own. He didn't like it at first, but has come to accept it. The only issue we have now is he has a hard time showing a united when diciplining the children. He's afraid they'll get mad at him. My s/o hates conflict and will avoid it at all costs. Even if it means giving in when he knows it's wrong. I could go on and on about the sounds of things all of us on this board are living each others lives to a degree..:o)

pixie1024's picture

I agree with you EPMom and good for you for standing your ground and telling him that your life doesnt stop for your child instead you make him a part of it. (perfectly true) Its so frustrating how we SM/BM can see clearly the disney daddy crap and when we speak our opinion we are the bad guy.

sweetthing's picture

One of the things my skids love about being at our house is that they can just hang out & play with their stuff. It is healthy & normal to let the kids go off & do things on their own, for everyone. We do fun family things but we also do projects around the house where every one helps and sometimes we just hang out.

On their weekedns with thier mom her BF & his 3 kids are always their. I get the impression that they get sick of that because they get woken up earlier & they have no privacy.

I totally get wanting to make up for the time without the kids, but I really think a person needs to keep it as normal as possible.

stronggirl's picture

yep I always start feeling sick and defensive and wondering how many times this weekend...that I woould like a vacation

EPMom's picture

I know!!! Last night dh was bent out of shape. We had a discussion about getting up with the kids in the AM on weekends. My children are 7 and 12. They get up at about 7-7:30 am. They are both old enough to occupy themselves until I get up (usually about 8-8:30). The don't get into anything. They either sit and watch tv or play thier play station. If they need me, they know ehere I am. It's not like they are in the house all by themselves. :oS So last night dh hubby asked me if I was going to get up with sd (she is 5). I told him that I would get up when I get up. That the three kids are able to play by themselves for a bit. "Well what if she's hungry, or what is she wants something". I told him in return " the last time I checked, the bedroom hasn't been moved, and seeing that she use to sleep with you before I moved in, I'm pretty sure she can find the bedroom again if she wants something". Same thing I tell my own kids (note: treating all kids the same). Well he went off on another rant. "what would you do if Child services knocked on the door and you were in bed?". I looking at him *blink blink*. I said " well I'mm pretty sure the only way they'll show up is if you call them, so just give me a heads up and we'll be fine!". He didn't appreciate my sarcasm. hahaha SO I told him again, and again, and yet again. I'm not going to treat her any differently than I would my own, and they are still alive to tell about it!. The I told him he was driving me fucking batty with his paranoia (did I spell that right??LOL), and that made him made enough to go to bed....LOL Woohoo! peace and quiet at last!....hahahah SO then this morning, I woke up, at 8:30. My kis were playing, and sd was still sleeping! The nerve! (just joking) SO she gets up at 9 and I texted her dad (who works in the mornings btw which is why I have her) and said, "sd is up, fed, and last time I checked her pulse, still alive! :o)" I got a msg back that said "I love you". hahahahaha

and Pixie...those who kknow me (in real, know I don't put up with any shit from anyone, least of all dh, or my kids - be it bk or sk. I'll be damned if I'm going to stop living my life just to please someone else. :o)

pixie1024's picture

Good job EPMom! reading your posts has given me a boost of my old self. I feel i've lost bits of myself along the way and now walk on eggshells to not be the bad guy or offend anyone. I ask myself all the time "where did that confident this is how its done attitude go? Its time to reclaim my 'self' and get going.

EPMom's picture

Pixie, my "confidence" and his bullshit is the reason why we are couples councilling. A few weeks back, we went to my mom's house for an over night visit (she lives 2 hours away), we had both my kids, and sd, dh actually thought he was going to sleep with his daughterb/c he thought she's be scared. My own mother even spoke up and told him to grow up and maybe his daughter would then too!. haha go mom go! The ironic thing is....(too funny), in councilling our therapist can always make him see things from my perspective. The last session she actually told him to take my lead with raising his daughter in teaching her right from wrong, and if he can't do that to allow me to step in and just watch and learn. I almost fell off my chair when she said that, and at the same time keeping a poker face! (It was soooooo hard for me not to give him the "I told you so" look. So the other day dh and I were talking and I told him that I'm not trying to be critical of his parenting - he is a good dad, just lacks in some areas. But the way he is trying to raise her is the same way his parents raised him. He was never made to take any responsibility for his own actions, and it was never his fault always the other persons. Even his ex told me that according to his mother, it was all her (the ex's) fault, never his. I brought that up at the last session too. He was corrected very quickly (and gently) by the therapist that we all need to take responsibility for our own actions, and that we need to teach by example - how does he expect his daughter to learn if he doesn't do it himself. He had the decency to agree (looked sheepish even). So I have noticed a big change in him lately. When we have a disagreement, instead of blaming me for everything gone wrong, he admits his part in it and says " I guess I know what I need to work on extra hard, and I'm sorry". We go to another session tonight, I can't wait to see what else he needs to listen to me about!....hahahahaha (I know it's really NOT funny, but laughing on here is better than doing the "See told ya so" thing to him). But don't be afraid to stand up for yourself and what you deem as right and wrong for YOU. He might get mad, pout even, but he'll either get over it, or things will get worse. I've always said that habits can be changed, but who we are as people can not. I told dh hubby a long time ago that I will not change who I am to suit anyone even him. I also went as far to tell him that I would never try to change him otherwise he wouln't be the man I feel inlove with. Habits though, can always be changed even in the most stuborn of people. ;o)

pixie1024's picture

Very well said! I am getting very tired of hearing 'well, then I dont think this is going to work between's over!' EVERY time we (meaning me) bring up something we need to work on. What stinks even more is that we are moving in together in 3-4days. I've already given my notice at my current place and its been rented for the first of the month, and I can't afford the new place we are moving into because its my whole monthly income. So, I'm stressing badly!!! I have had about 5% input in decorating the new place. Everything else is all him. he even had the galls to bring in a living room set (among other things) from his previous marriage. I have left everything that I shared in my last relationship behind and want us to start a new home with 'our' things, not with 'past residue'. I feel like I am a visitor in my own home and everytime I walk into that room I feel sick inside thinking of these things that he once shared with her.
...sorry, to vent off on a tangent! You inspire me EPMom, I am so GREATFUL for this site!

EPMom's picture

I get what you are saying. dh and I did the " I don't know if I can do this" when we've had fights too. Our biggest issue to date (I thought) was the kids, found out last night in councilling it's my ex hubby. He hates me having anything to do with him. I was bf's with my ex since we were kids, married him, divorced him (we also have a child together), and still lucky enough to remain very good friends, until dh. I suppose I should be calling him fh. LOL fh is so jealous of the ex. (the ex and I were such good friends that even after the divorce we roommated together for a bit - strictly for financial purposes, AND he was only around every other weekend as he's a long haul trucker). fh has accused me of cheating, lieing etc. Last night at councilling, after he spilled his guts, I spilled mine. The councillor told fh he should consider himself lucky that I still get along with my ex, especially when I reminded him that my son is better for it. I then reminded him that his daughter still acts out upon pick ups and drop offs (sd constantly sees bm bd fight). I did this right in front of the councillor - fh had the decency to agree. He also agreed that deep down inside he knows he has no reason for thinking the way he does about my ex. The councillor suggested a that fh have an individual councilling session on his own to help him get past the past. I was elated! He agreed to it too. :o)

Now enough about my shit....LOL Can I speak frankly with you??? (here's hoping...LOL). I wouldn't put too much into him keeping old furniture. All it is furniture. fh has most of the furniture from his past. The only thing new is the bed. I don't mind. I brought a lot of stuff too. We both have old pictures. I made a scrapbook for my son of his dad and I. I also encouraged fh to make one for his daughter as well. I've invited bm to sd b-day party next month, and I've invited my ex to our son's b-day which is next month as well. you have to remember, the most important thing's only furniture. You are the one who will be cuddling with him on that couch, making a few new memories of you own *wink wink*. Do just that! and make it memorable. *evil giggle*. Go out and buy thigns together to decorate. Tell him you'd like to add your own touch to the place. It took forever to get fh to hang my pictures for me. But he finally did it. Now I feel as though it's my house too. :o) Keep the faith, stand your ground (that's the biggest thing), and don't be afraid to voice your opinion to him. If he makes threats, walk away from him. Don't engage him. He'll clue in eventually that he's only arguing with himself and stop. Do you have date nights?? We do, and boy does it help. :o)