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OT- Oops

TrueNorth77's picture

Today is my SO's birthday, and I remembered when FB showed me about 30 minutes ago. Whoops. To be fair, I thought it was tomorrow. I honestly didn't even know what today's date was. I passed my SO on the front sidewalk this morning as he was getting home from work and I was leaving for work- we said hi and kissed and that was it. I have since sent him a happy birthday message, and posted some cute pics of us on FB with a nice post (he's sleeping so won't even see it for a few hours). But-

Now what?? Any suggestions on how to salvage it so he doesn't realize I forgot? lol. I can't think of a single thing to buy him, and there is not much in the way of stores near where I work. We have steaks at home but they're frozen.





Winterglow's picture

You print him a set of vouichers redeemable when he chooses for things like, an all-over massage, a bj (wwtih pop rockes or ice or chapagne or frozen grapes or whatever you fancy in your mouth), a role play session in a bar, sex in the shower, parking the car somewhere off the road and having wild sex, egc. The possibilities are endless and he won't for a second think that his birthday had been forgotten :) 

justmakingthebest's picture

Check out Groupon! Maybe and escape room date or some other fun activity? Throw a voucher in a card with a 6 pack of yummy craft beer and you win!

TrueNorth77's picture

Funny, we actually were going to do an Escape Room this past Saturday night, but ended up hanging out with some friends instead.

So after taking a very long lunch yesterday and running all over picking up a gift, gift bag, and food for dinner, then a cake after work....I got home to find my SO VERY cranky. I started getting stuff ready to put on the grill and he says he's not hungry, he didn't know I planned on cooking. I had text him saying I was, but he didn't see that text. I had gotten steak and chicken and was marinating the f'ng chicken in my office at work for God's sake!!!  Skids had already eaten something so I just threw all the food I had bought in the fridge. Grr.... So we gave him his gift, made him blow out candles, and he immediately went to bed without even eating any of the cake. So my efforts were essentially for nothing.

Thumper's picture

Take him out to his favorite place to eat. Stop home on your way from work and pick UP a cake too.

Never let him see you sweat this stuff.....