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Same old situation

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BM still has the brass balls to tell DH that SS will NOT come for his scheduled weekend, and it's "the end of the discussion". She also threw in that we could "be mad and threaten all we want". DH offered to take SS to the party as someone suggested, and she said "No, I had no idea of that?", and throwing it in our face that we "don't even pick him up". She knows that we do it when we are able. But either way, of course she still didn't give any info as to where and when the party is, things we would need to know if we're going to take him. She just wants to demand that we switch weekends and that's final. Oh, and now she's claiming that he was JUST invited to ANOTHER party that Saturday, so she's saying he can't come bcause he has plans for both Saturday and Sunday. I'm thinking about the possibility that there really is no birthday parties for SS to go to, that she just has other plans for him and doesn't want to tell us.

We are prepared this time to call the authorities if she refuses to let SS go with us and we get to her house at the scheduled time. I don't like to see it come to that, but I am just appalled that she would STILL try to dictate and bitch,and also make us out to seem like the bad guys. She keeps repeating how SS needs chances to socialize.....hello, it's not like he's been living in a basement all year. He goes many places with BM and his other half-siblings. Because this is our scheduled weekend, and there is an Ice Cream Social at our daughters' school, he's supposedly going with us to that. She said that she's dropping him off because it's for him, she's not doing it for us.....but my husband is still going to be responsible for taking him back to U.O.'s house. So they're both still splitting the transportation as ordered, but now I'm sure that she'll use this as another argument that she's Mother of The Year, but my DH is a horrible father and person for wanting to keep to the custody schedule.