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Delinquent 17 yr old

Sohard's picture

Hi All,

17 yr old SS. Year 11. Has been playing computers all year. Tell husband he blocks internet at 11 pm so now only playing games 3:30 till 11. Watching tv all night took television out of room (I still hear him watching something and playing games at 2 in the morning. We don’t know on what. Is at the point of failing. Exams are next week. Got him a tutor (DH brother), but he doesn’t complete work assigned. Has a job at cinema, I shift a week. His third job, fired from other two. Plan was to have him stay with tutor to study over weekend and do his Saturday shift. Says he got a sub and feels it’s best he goes to his mums because it’s mother’s day. Sent with homework, didn’t do homework. Didn’t get sub for work (friend owns cinema says he will give him a second chance).

he snuck out at night 12-4 even though he was grounded. Left his bike in an unusual place and knocked over a table and I was out at 4:30 and knew bike hadn’t been there at 4. Says he doesn’t care he got caught as he was helping a friend 

i caught him smoking weed in the house while we were home! DH confiscated weed and put it in our bedroom drawer. He took it from our drawer and gave it to boyfriend who is 20. 

He is constantly lying. Yes I finished my homework. ‘Why didn’t you answer your phone?’ Battery was dead. But I saw you read it. Oh I was listening to music and didn’t see the message. 

So husband really took him to pieces, day before yesterday. Boy has a little cry, threaten him with military school. Or going to his mums and no summer. 

Yesterday everyone is happy and all back to normal. DH says he spoke to son harshly and now wants to ‘build him back up’ wants to see his kids happy. 

Many thoughts?

thank you


Exjuliemccoy's picture

The kid has been ruined by permissive parenting. I'd focus on getting him out of your home and never, ever let him back in. He'll likely be a screw up for many years to come.

Sohard's picture

Am I wrong in thinking that his father should be displaying his displeasure for a while till the kid brings home proof of a job well done school and work, no lying no weed. Or is it enough that he really went to town telling him off and threatening him, and we should all be joking around a few hours later?

tog redux's picture

It's not so much that he can't joke with him the next day - discipline doesn't mean you stay mad at a  kid and show your displeasure until they do better (that's actually very manipulative ) - it's just that I doubt there will be any follow through and the kid knows it. Will he really send him to his mothers for the summer? Or do anything else he threatens to do?  

Is the kid like this because his parents have allowed it, or does he have some mental health issues?