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Feeling obligated to include skids

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I hate the politics involved in blended families! I just made an appointment to have Easter pictures of DD3months taken. But now, I'm thinking that in order to avoid an unnecessary discussion with DH where I'll have to justify why I had professional pictures of DD taken but did not do the same for the ssons, I have to include the ssons.

Don't get me wrong, I love those boys and I usually include them in things BUT they're very needy and due to how BM and DH do almost everything for them, at 5 and almost 7, those boys act like they're toddlers.

Help!!! My 6 year old SS is turning into a compulsive liar

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I understand that all kids lie at some point but SS6(stb7) lies about practically everything! When I first noticed SS6 telling little white lies a few months ago, I told DH but he didn't take it seriously, he told me I was worrying about nothing. But as time goes on, more and more lies are coming out of the boy's mouth. This weekend DH finally took his head out of the sand and saw the truth. He told me he's worried that SS6 might become a compulsive liar like BM. The boy has a good heart and I want to help him before it's too late.

OT: Help, my mother is being a terrible BM but at 8.5 months pregnant I really don't have the energy to handle this!

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My mom left me when I was 4 years old, thankfully my dad was a wonderful dad, him and my SM did a decent job of raising me. I have so much resentment toward my mom but now that I'm about to become a mother, I thought we could mend our relationship and maybe for once in her life my mom can be there for me. But oh no! Between the drama caused by my ssons' BM and my own mother's selfish behavior, I'm out of energy!

ss6 told me that him, BM, ss5, DH and my soon to be born baby girl are a family and I'm not part of that family :(

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In the last few days, ss6 has made numerous drawing of his "family" in some of them I'm included and in others BM is included and on some of them I'm left off. Yesterday after I spent my whole afternoon playing with him and helping him clean his room, he told me he's going to draw a picture. A few minutes later he came back proudly with a drawing with five people in it. He was so proud of his family portrait and proceeded to tell me who's who in the drawing : him, BM, ss5, DH and my little girl. He told me I'm not in the picture because I'm not his family.

Dear BM: Get a life and stop telling my husband and I how to run our home!

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I swear, I can only ignore so many of the emails from you telling me what food I should feed the kids while they're with us 4 days a week. Who the hell do you think you are to send me a "menu" ? You're right they are your kids, I didn't give birth to them but you know what? For the past 3 plus years, I see them and spend more time with them each week than you. I know what they like and don't like. I'm not an idiot, I know how to take care of them! Why is it that you always justify your demands by saying you're their mother. So what?

BM banned me from attending the SSs Open House/ Playdates/school events. And yet she wants to use me as an afterschool DayCare

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In her never ending quest to show everyone she's MOTY, BM "banned" me from attending the SSons school functions. In her words, she's the mother and my attending those events will only confuse people as to who the kids real mother is. Mind you, she's ALWAYS late to the kids' events and almost never stay until the end because she's so important and has something better to do. DH wanted to fight her and say me and him are a package deal and because the kids are in our home more than half of the time, I should be involved and attend all school functions.

According to my mom, SS6 is acting out and being mean to me because he loves me so much and is jaleous of my unborn baby

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Since the day I met him, SS6(then 2.5 years old) and I clicked instantly. We have a close relationship, he would much rather go places with me than with DH, he loves to cuddle with me, wants me to be the one to read to him, etc... We have our moments but I can honestly say in the last 3.5 years I truly enjoy having him in my life and watching him grow.

O/T: Should I go to this wedding or just send gifts if at all?

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My 21 y/o cousin is getting married to her 20 y/o bf tomorrow. They've been together for almost three years and during that time, he cheated on her at least 3 times that I know of. The most recent one just a few months ago. But that's no why I'm having a hard time deciding whether or not to go.
