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BM is an idiot and its about to cost her all her custody! ha, she didnt realize who i was!

smnikki's picture

so ive been pretty quiet because bm has been on her best behavior. Always agreed to drop offs and pick ups, always agreeing on the phone about issues with ss (we told her to stop letting ss4 watch movies like the dark knight) all has been calm......but i knew the other shoe would drop..and today it did!!

BUT this time she has really kicked her self!!!

dh and i have been very worried about ss when he is with bm. I have MANY photos of ss over the last two months of bruises, scratches, and a messed up eye where bm's dog attacked ss. we didnt know what to do though...

this morning bm texts dh that she needs to talk and can he please call her. he calls her even though its out side their "times" they talk to see what she wants because she has ss with her. and tuesday she called saying he needed to go to counseling for his "anger"

Turns out, bm and her bf cant afford rent any more where they are living, so she wants to move up the hill to "white trash tweeker ville" where her sister and her bf's kids live. i cant give the exact location for obvious reasons, but this area is well known for having nothing going on besides cheap living and LOTS of drugs, i would say this is where meth mainly comes from in southern ca. she was calling to tell dh if he is okay with her taking ss....

okay, its a 45 to 1.5hr minute drive (depending on traffic, which durring commute hours is very bad EVERY day), its still in our "county" technically, so as per our current court order she is allowed, but it is far enough that ss would not be able to get to school here if he was living 50% there with bm, and vise versa. Therefore, bm and dh would either have to agree on one parent getting majority custody to allow ss to attend school in one city......Bm will never agree to that, and we will never agree either, mainly because this city would be the most horrible place for ss to move would pretty much end all chances of ss being successful at any point in his life, no one from this city EVER does any thing with them self.

so, bm says another place that is closer..still not good, but better than the other. this second place is actually closer to us than where she is living now, but has horrible schools compared to the ones where she lives. dh moved two moths ago to our new house. we live in a new house on a golf course, that is surrounded by new homes, great parks and city facilities (we even have a pool with a water park) when we moved bm made comments and dh assured her that ss would continue to go to schools by her where we were living before the move.

i called the court, they said that since she has the ability to move, if she does then it will be harder to go to court later...therefore we have to file an immediate court hearing asap (tomorrow) to show cause of hy she cant move and if she does then we get full custody....what bm is too stupid to ever figure out is that i have sooooooo much against her, pictures and documentation...also, my mom is very good friends with the person who ran the family court division in our county.......and my god mother is a school libraian in our county who is pulling all school stats for all there school districts so we can show how bad the two are that bm might move to....

when will she ever learn not to mess with me...i hope for ss's sake, this drama ends and w are able to give him a peaceful happy life. This morning when dh talked to him, ss said he had a bad night and wanted to come home, and dh needed to pick him up...breaks my heart, cant wait to pick him up tomorrow and have him HOME for 5 days!

keep you finger crossed for us that we succeed and ss is given the chance to have a stable loving home with dh and i on a regular basis!!


LotusFlower's picture

That's what usually happens Nikki...these Bms think they have all their t's crossed and i's dotted while playing the system and sooner or later they make some fatal mistake...I wish u well with getting custody of BM tried that "he needs anger counseling" too,,,,ummm...not when he's with us, maybe he's just frustrated with the string of men u bring home ....

mother is not defined by the "b" or the "s" in front of her name, she is defined by how she handles the "mother" part.....

DISbelief's picture

I think you live near me... seriously.


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

Stick's picture

OH SMNIKKI!!!! My hopes and thoughts and prayers are with you and your DH!! Please let us know how it goes in court. I hope the court does the right thing!!

*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***

Constantly_guilty's picture

Why did she attempt to tie his needing anger counseling to her moving to a bad a part of town? Perhaps he was angry because he would be leaving his friends and his school behind to move with her? I would say that's a normal reaction when your mother tries to uproot your life.