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sd called cps on dh

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my dh kicked sd 14 out to live with her friend a few months ago because she snuck out again and came back high. anywys she was back a week later. But she apparently called cps then and told them that my dh hit her and bruised her face. Dh didn't even yell at her that day and there was never a mark on her face. DH seemed mad at her when cps left but when he picked her up from school he was all nice to her and she continued to be her rude, mean self.

scary girls

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so i was bored the other day and read sd 14 diary. she talked about how proud she is to be a whore and how she has sex all the time and that she gives it out anytime a guy texts or calls and needs her for sex. she also had a list of bad stuff she was proud of like iso oss and "getting arrested" (shes never been arrested a cop just took her back home when he found her when shed snuck out one night) but apparently she is proud of being a whore and getting in trouble. it weirds me out. are most teen girls like that these days? why do they want to be so nasty and loose?


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My H insists on having separate bank accounts. I'm like whatevs, maybe its for the best. He pays the mortgage and buys the groceries and I use all my money I make on all the rest of the bills which is a lot and I barely or dont have enough each month and then my H will ask me to pay for his CC bill "because he doent have enough money" I figure I better pay for it so I do. But I just got a savings statement for SD in the mail and it shows he puts $400 in her account every month! WTH? why does he need to do that? and why does he give her so much money but never our DD we have toghther.

Love is BLIND and deaf and completely Stupid!

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So heartbroken. so tired, so stuck.
DH gave very promiscuous SD 13 a phone for Christmas. I, knowing she would soon have herself pregnant or killed, put a texting and calling monitor on it which DH okayed.
Since DH gets terribly offended by me suggesting SD is not perfect I only notify him if she is doing something that's gonna get herself pregnant or killed.