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Still haven't told stepson about baby

skye22's picture

We discussed how we would handle this pregnancy BEFORE we even got pregnant. We decided that since stepsons mom made things extremly difficult with our first pregnancy, we wanted to wait until at least 4-5 months in to break the news. We planned on telling him during one of our weekend visits and send him home with a letter telling her the news. At first we planned on not saying anything to her at all and let stepson tell her if and when he chose to but then we were scared that she would take it out on him and didn;t want that either. But its a lot harder to keep this secret than I thought. All of our friends and family know. MY stepson should hear this from us and I'm afraid that someone is going to tell him before we do. I am second guessing our original plan. It just feels like a catch 22. I fwe tell him now, we have to deal with her 'wrath' during the most critical time of the pregnancy. But if we don't it feels like we are hiding it since from him since everyone else knows. Any thought or ideas about this?????


Nise's picture

Can you let your family and friends know that you’ve not shared the news with SS yet and to please be discreet when discussing it? Most people would respect that I think…of course that doesn’t guard you against the accidental “slip” but if and when that time comes, then you will almost be “forced” to tell him (and then biomom)

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