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A smile for those still recovering from holiday step blues

sixteensmom's picture

BM is taking us back to court for more alimony. SKIDS are 22, 25, 29. It's been 12 years. All cs and alimony was paid off as ordered months ago and court issued the satisfaction. But, she wants more, she's just evil like that. So we got an attorney and are going through the motions, answering her requests for info, answering the interrogatories that are all about our income... I know it's not right, such is the system. We really don't care much, she'll never get another penny she just wants to cause trouble.

Anyway... We got the trial date in the mail this weekend because we've been gone for the holidays. Get this... March 2015!!! 15 MONTHS out. The poor dumb bitch will be living in a box under a bridge according to the way she handles her finances.

So our attorney says listen - She makes over $60K a year herself and gets another $6K a year from DH's pension, but still wants to drag us to court for more -- it's time to play hardball. She's saying her health is bad, let's see how bad, we'll get all medical records for 30 years. She's saying her expenses have increased. Let's see how much, we'll get copies of every bill the past .... etc.

We've been nice and turned the other cheek most of the time the past 12 years, but if she wants to play at least get what you want out in the open documented. So we're making our list of all the things she's in contempt over from the original decree. He's going to file motions for judgements.

Mostly I hate divorce attorneys but this guy is having a little fun and I'm digging it!! And for those of you who remember the bankruptcy/kids hidden bank account dilemma I was having, he answered it for us -- alls fair when defending your retirement from a money grubbing whore!

buahahahah this is actually kind of fun!!


hereiam's picture

Why does he feel the need to do all of this? Not that it's not funny as hell but is there seriously a chance she could get alimony started up again?

sixteensmom's picture

The law Is the law. Anyone can sue anyone else for whatever they want. You have to defend yourself. Have to file responses to the petitions and motions. Have to supply the info the courts order. It's not fair, but it's the stupid system we have.

Once I got myself past that, I decided I didn't care anymore. She WILL NOT get another penny. She makes double what she did when they got divorced, her expenses (the legit ones) are half. And any medical ailment she has was expected. so there is no significant change in circumstances at all - which is the only way there'd ever be any chance of her being awarded a penny.

So playing the game means we answer her questions, then we give her a list of questions she has to answer... really fun ones... like... List every doctor who has diagnosed you as obese or morbidly obese the past 20 years. Describe all prescribed diets, exercise, physical therapy and the like from each of these doctors.... etc.

sixteensmom's picture

GOod stuff!. We don't think she's ever been on aid but it's on the list now.

We know she filed bankruptcy and hid a shit-ton of money in her minor (at the time) kids bank accounts. We have the bank statements from when they lived with us. And check carbons of the checks written to her for $400 and $800 every couple weeks.

She actually does have a history of fraud. And forging Dhs signature on two loans after the decree. Which made them joint, which he had to pay off when she filed bankruptcy or it would have killed his credit.

We're asking for copies of all requests for accommodations for her back pain too, from her employers, and their responses. and all medical records.

Here's the thing, she has no case. Her health is fine. so she has a backache, not our problem. she's always had back aches and that was in the courts scope when they awarded the original alimony award and assigned the end date of earlier this year. she does yard work, builds retaining walls. tosses a 40 pound baby around like it's nothing. Travels for 4 hours by car every few weekends to see family...

So, she has to answer the obesity questions, and the diet and exercise program questions. she has to give up all doctors who have treated the past 20 years. She's 5'2" 350 pounds. If there's one doctor listed as an expert saying she can't work who DID NOT diagnose obesity , diet and exercise, ... well they're no expert. If she was prescribed diet and exercise and DID NOT FOLLOW... well it's all on her.

OH THE HEY DAY I'm gonna have Smile

sixteensmom's picture

PLUS, I care not the cost of this attorney. He's a high faluten expensive dude we got originally to scare her off, but I really dig him. And I will pay him thousands upon thousands of dollars to ensure she never gets another cent of alimony.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

That's awesome.

My DH and I hired a shark of an attorney. He has gone after ex-wives for abusing child support and makes them pay it back.

If we don't have to move to another state soon due to my DH's job, we are going to go after BM for abusing child support.

All of these years she was supposed to have 60/40. Her 60 - us 40. But she dumped them off on us every single week and has even gone as much as 7 weeks without taking them for ALL of these years and we can prove it.

Wouldn't that be awesome if she has to pay DH back AND pay 1/2 of college for 2 sons!

Wooo hooooo!

sixteensmom's picture

the law allows anyone to file for anything. the rules say you have to play the discovery game. a judge won't even look at this case for 15 more months. it's no wonder people hate each other and attorneys. any defendant can request a directed verdict by a judge that says HEY this is horse shit make it go away, but in our case, if she wants to spend every penny she's got picking fights and giving up incriminating info, we can play along forever. we are certain her atty and kids and family and co-workers don't know the kinds of claims she's been making or what she's been doing with the money we've been paying her the past twelve years. over a million dollars in twelve years on top of her job salary. she's a victim, a bitter hag, a money grubbing whore. she has blown every penny, stolen, lied, cheated, is in contempt on ten items from the decree. if she wants to air all her fury laundry we will help her.

misSTEP's picture

It's too late for you now but we wouldn't respond to requests for information unless they came from the courts.