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Did I do the right thing?

SisterNeko's picture

the short version SS4 ended up in the ER this weekend, drama ensued, I tried to stay out of it.

Key word is tried.

It started with a long week of me trying to paint the kitchen, with no help from FDH - my choice because he rushes and half-asses it Smile And that didn't bother me until...

BM called him - SS4 got sent home from school when they found his curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor with a tummy ache. She rushed him to the ER of course come to find out he has the flu - which in it's self isn't too bad but - every time we get the boys back from BM's they are dehydrated and constipated - you add the flu and you get a very unhappy child. He was so dehydrated and constipated they admitted him and wanted to keep him over night but BM took him home, she said that she could take care of him.

Well she didn't give him the medicine that they told her to until Saturday morning, then called FDH freaking out because it didn't work after an hour - then she feed him french fries for breakfast - when the doctor told her just toast and water. So they went back to the ER and this time the kept him over night hooked to an IV and feed his stool softeners like crazy - they xrayed him and it was pretty bad.

BM's husband showed up on Saturday - FDH called me and wanted me to come and save face. I refused, for 2 reasons.
1 - I didn't have a flu shot and now everyone that was in the room with SS4 is on Tami-flu and I don't have insurance.
2 - the thought of seeing BM makes me want to vomit and I knew in this situation she would be playing the victim, lying and being a drama queen. I told FDH I was too tired to deal with her and wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut.

BM then asked FDH if he could spend the night with SS4 because she was TOO tired to stay and needed to rest - see drama queen, hurry everyone feel sorry for her - I again stayed away even though BM was not there. But I also told him that if BM didn't leave then he should come home. I trust him but not her, if left alone together she would say something happened that didn't.

Sunday morning BM returns and bring ss4 chocolate donuts and tosses out the Jello that the nurse gave him. She also informs FDH that even though it's Sunday - and they have EOW custody - she is taking SS4 'home' for Monday and Tuesday. FDH was upset and he came home to shower and everything venting to me about it of course. I told him it's his week to have ss4 BM can't keep him with out FDH agreeing to it, he has a court order. So BM calls when they check SS4 out of the hospital. FDH tells him that he wants him to come to our house - not telling her this but he feels that WE can do a better job getting him back on his feet. BM tells him some stuff that the doctor said and then hangs up on FDH when he refuses to agree to let her keep him. FDH isn't sure what to believe and I just said call the doctor and ask - yeah BM lied about most of that was said.

After getting off the phone with the doctor the cell rings again - this time it's BM's step-dad. He tells FDH that ss4 should stay with BM because even though I am not working and can stay home with him he says that I can't take ss4 to the ER if something happens like his bowels burst (yeah he still hadn't pooped). The whole time they are talking FDH is trying to let me listen and I was trying to walk away. I was ticked now and didn't want to hear. WHY was her family involved? This was between them! By know I wasn't feeling well I have anxiety issues and low blood pressure so I felt like passing out from the stress. FDH noticed and asked if I was okay I explained to him that I was feeling bad but it stresses me out that he is upset and there is NOTHING that I can do for him.

But I heard the step-dad say that HE would call BM for FDH and tell her that she could keep ss4, to that I said NO. I told FDH to go over there, see ss4 and talk to BM about it in person - himself! FDH did express to the step-dad that BM doesn't know what she is doing and won't make SS4 do what he needs to in order to get better.

So he goes over there and of course her mom and step-dad are there. BM looked like she had been crying. FDH addresses all of his concerns to BM - most of which fell on def ears but there were witnesses. When she tried to lie about what the doc said FDH informed her that he had called and talked to the doc - that got him a dirty look.

FDH asked to see ss4 - who was up and running around of course (he is SO sick) FDH talks to him and then instructs ss4 to go into the bathroom and poop. BM claimed that they had already tried. ss4 says he has to go, runs in there and took a big crap. The step-dad was impressed since BM had failed to make him even sit on the potty.

SO FDH let BM keep SS4 last night but plans to check on him today - if he is up and moving he is coming over. On a side note I have a hard time feeling bad for BM (regarding her sick child) when he didn't do anything all weekend to HELP him, she still feed his junk food and didn't give him the meds.

I hate all this drama and I know that have said that I feel FDH and I may need counseling but after this week I am starting to think that it's mostly FDH that needs to sort through stuff and what we need to work on is agreeing on how we deal with BM. I really don't want to or like to be around her, it really make me feel sick. They only issue that we had with each other this weekend was that the kitchen took longer to do than he thought - doesn't it always thought? - and when he was home he was complaining that I had the house tore up. He was trying to rush me - like he claims that BM used to do him, which was why it needed to the painted again in the first place - so I called him her name and told him to get out of the kitchen. And for the record I had the house back in order before SS6 got there Sunday Night.


the_stepmonster's picture

What is so hard about giving a kid some toast and water? There must be a crazy BM full moon out there right now. I am so sick of these women thinking that just because they couldn't keep their legs shut, they know everything about raising a kid.

SisterNeko's picture


BM has already called FDH. She can't get ss4 to stay in bed so she wants FDH to come get him ASAP. She also tried to say that the doc told her today that ss4 doesn't have to keep taking the tami-flu. Not buying it but whatever. He isn't sick any more so she doesn't want him. What an awesome mother.

I am shocked too that no one at the hosp. Called cps. I told FDH to be careful that some one might. I thought about it Smile

alwaysanxious's picture

Doesn't it feel better for you though that you are staying out of it? So much less frustration. Watching it all is bad enough.

SisterNeko's picture

Yeah it's like watching a train wreck in slow motion. U can't stop it but it's better to watch than take part in it and get hurt. And it's hard to keep quiet so I just avoid her :).

SisterNeko's picture

Omg. FDH called BM to see if we needed to give ss4 his meds. Supposed to b twice a day. She said she already gave him both doses! It 4 pm? Then FDH told her that ss6 is a little backed up and told her a few things that ss6 has sad about what all they eat at her house, she hung up on FDH and then sent 3 txts bashing him for bashing her. He didn't respond. On the plus side we save all txt's from her Smile

SisterNeko's picture

He has gotten better about calling the docs and school to fact check. BM gets mad when he does but it's his right. And I told him yesterday if she wouldn't let him have skid he just had to call cops.

He does needs to stop trying but he wants her to be better she just doesn't have it in her. More importantly he needs to stand up to her when it comes to those kids.

She continues to amaze me but not in a good way. Give it a week and she will be back to FDH still loves her and she is super mom. Smile

I would like to tell FDH that he needs to get a handle on this before I can commit.