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I shouldn't be surprised by this...

Simpleton21's picture

I found out yesterday that SD has me saved in her phone as "Step Monster".  I wasn't going through her phone or anything.  I try to disengage as much as possible from her.  I found out by accident really.  She had a video of my son on her phone she showed me and I thought it was cool so I asked her to send it to me.  She said she couldn't find my number but knew she had saved it.  I JOKINGLY said, "you probably have me saved under step monster" and she was like, "oh, yeah, I do" and proceeded to laugh.  Now, I know I shouldn't be surprised about this or even let it bother me but I'm honestly really annoyed by it.  She has always viewed me as competition and been a mini wife wannabe but seriously?!?! That little brat has so much more because I am around and she seriously thinks I'm a Step Monster?!?!?  I have always done my best to treat her the same as my kids and that is truly hard because she is so spoiled and entitled.  I think I am more pissed that SO didn't say anything to her about it.  I feel like just let her be blatantly disrespectful and didn't say a word about it.  Maybe I am overreacting (totally possible) but it defintely irritated me.  I'm sure he would be upset if I saved his little precious poo poo in my phone under STEP BRAT!  


Siemprematahari's picture

I understand why it irritates you given how good you have been to her but try not to take it too much to heart. You already know where you stand with her so treat her accordingly and also your H shouldn't tell you how you feel when he said ""I didn't think you were really mad at that". He doesn't know what you think and shouldn't diminish and sweep them under the rug.

LOL I wonder what my H's daughter has me under if she hasn't deleted me yet. I don't have her # but I was tempted to make her profile pic when I did have it as the gremlin ;).

Simpleton21's picture

Yeah, I wasn't even going to say something to my SO about it but I know he wouldn't be happy if he found out my son had him saved under something like that.  I would also call my son out if I found out he did.  I do know where I stand with the skid.  She's always viewed me as competition and I know I am the only one that doesn't let her get by with murder!   I agree SO shouldn't have just dismissed how I feel about it.  He did tell me he would say something to her but I feel like this far after the fact of it coming out is a bit late.  Now she will know I said something to him and that it bothered me which I really didn't want her to have that satisfaction because I'm sure that is part of why she did it.  

Ha, I was tempted to save her under a different name and use a pic like the one I have on here but I decided against in in case she ever saw my phone.  I guess I shouldn't be to upset because the feeling is mutual.  I think she is a monster also! LOL

marblefawn's picture

Gosh, clever enough to cook up "stepmonster," but not clever enough to hide it from you! Your SD is a piece!

Simpleton21's picture

She isn't even that clever!  I'm sure she probably did it because I was reading the book stepmonster around the time she got her phone so she didn't even come up with it on her own.  She is a real piece of work.  She is still playing the innocent card....she just meant it to be funny.  Okay, it will be so funny when I list her as SKID Wink You can always tell when she is lying also.  Her poker face is horrible.  It is like a deer in headlights, lol!

CLove's picture

Yeah, a few times, when Feral Eldest was being disrespectful, and then SO called her on it, resulting in a clash, she texted me a screen capture of my contact info with that name listed.

She really hasnt seen my crazy side. SO now DH did nothing. And right after texting me this, we were getting ready to go to a christmas concert and she was trying to head out with us, and I was the one that had to say "um no, she did x,y,z, you want to reward that behavior????" SO agreed that wasnt a good idea and she stayed home, while we took off. THEN I get a fake sarcastic apology "sorry not sorry, but you have caused all the problems in my life (like her acne...) This was when she was 17, so it was a while ago, but I still remember all the bad stuff.

And they dont get better they get worse with age. She is now telling her sister that her uncle is a perverted monster, and her auntie is stealing from her grandmother, and telling family members that her father, DH hit her and the youngest and I am controlling b!tch (rather than crazy b!tch), etc.

They get so much worse.

Simpleton21's picture

I actually don't know why I was surprised that she saved me as Step Monster.  I see right through her fake nice attitude towards me but her daddeee never does.  He always lets her by with excuses like "she didn't know or didn't mean it like that or blah blah blah....." I'm sure it will get worse and I'll always be the bad guy in her eyes because I'm the only one that doesn't buy into her innocent game.  Oh well!  I can play step monster if that is what she wants Wink

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Why do you let it bother you? Sounds like you have an equal opinion about her, so...

I could care less how the skids have me saved in their phones because their opinions of me mean absolutely NOTHING to me. I have the skids saved as PigPen, SS19, scunt25, and scunt22. BioHo is saved as wh0re. The only ones who ever call me are the SDs - when they cannot get hold of DH after calling his phone 37 times in a row - and I never answer.

Simpleton21's picture

You are correct Aniki!  I probably like her even less than she likes me so it shouldn't bother me!  It just did for some reason.  Mainly because I don't think I am that bad to her! LOL!  

Aniki-Moderator's picture

I suppose you could look at it as "the truth hurts" and that is her truth in regards to you... She may always see you as the evil Stepmother. Maybe Daddy was never supposed to remarry. Either he and BM were supposed to reconcile or he was supposed to spend his days pining for her... (barf)

I honestly TRY to be a good person, but I'm not always successful. I'm human. I screw up. When I screw up, I do my best to make amends. Regardless of how good your intentions/behavior are/is, it will never be enough for some. Eff 'em. I do my best and atone when necessary.

Simpleton21's picture

Oh, I am sure it is her truth.  I also just hate how SO always acts like she is so innocent and didn't mean it in a bad way.  I think I'm actually more irritated about how naive he acts with her but if it was my son there wouldn't have been anything innocent about it.  The double standard is what really bothers me I guess.  I don't think SD is pining for her mommy and daddy to get back together.  She is more pining for her daddy to just be all hers.  She has that weird mini wife mentality that I find extremely disturbing!

I feel better after venting on here at least! 

Aniki-Moderator's picture

That double standard is kinda popular, isn't it? LOL

The SDs are a product of BioHo and her step-PASing. They USED to be decent. Then they became mini 'Hos. Not only did they try to gaslight me, they also tried to gaslight DH!! DH even tried talking to them about it - and all they did was try to gaslight MORE. Eff 'em. You gaslight me, you're dead to me. And I don't do things for dead people for whom I have zero respect. Even if they apologized (they will not), I will never again let them back "in". Dead is dead.

Simpleton21's picture

It sure is around here!  Now somehow I'm fighting with SO because he turned this into a "your son is disrespectful thing" ummmmm....he had nothing to do with this situation at all!  So yeah, I'm being gas lighted by SO for this now because he can't ever accept that maybe his little princess isn't as innocent as he wants to believe.  Ugh!  Well then little princess can go back to their former arrangment of him living with his mom and only being able to exercise his parenting time with her at his friend's house.  This shit is for the birds!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What horse puckey. Then SO can parent and be responsible for his kid 100%, and you with yours. Pffft.