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Anybody seen this yet?

simifan's picture

Wow! good for him, I would hope all of us would have these balls.


ChiefGrownup's picture

His only mistake is letting it get that far. Should have been speaking up long ago. Or leaving long ago.

notasm3's picture

I refuse to be the SM ATM.

DH's 2nd wife (15 years) left him penniless when she went back to her first DH (who left her for his secretary). By this time SS30 was an adult (all CS had been paid for).

SS30 saw me as a source of unlimited funds to support his worthless existence. Boy was he wrong. I helped some for a year or two but now am of the "no way Jose" state of mind. SS30's GF is pregnant (stupid on her part) - I've already purchased a baby present for the new "grandchild" - a cute outfit that cost about $15 at the outlet mall. None of this guilt trip crap that the grandparent should buy something expensive like the crib, or other expensive stuff etc. I plan to wrap it beautifully. DH can either take it when he goes to meet the baby or I will send it if I get invited to a shower that I will not attend.

thinkthrice's picture

I remember being the ATM for six long years. . .sigh. Boy that was DUMB of me.

Maybe someone will post this on StepDaddyBigBucks FB wall. . . because that is all he is. An ATM. Oh the skids profess their "love" with "you're more of a dad to me than my real dad" blah blah. But that is only because he's a cash cow and has the "BM Stamp of Approval" (TM) on his forehead (only because he's a cash cow; he dare not discipline)

I think I'll wait until Dominatrix has eloped at age 18 Wink

stepinafrica's picture

Wow. If I hadn't spent so much time on Step Talk I probably would not have believed that an adult an be so nasty. Now I know better.