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shielded2009's Blog

This weird woman...I swear...

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So I was talking to my god-sister yesterday...she came to my house to have "a drink" Wink . She's been around for ages, and is ALWAYS at my house, so she's seen everything that goes on...(well not EVERYTHING...) but she comes over when we have something at the house, and that's usually when MIL is at the house...

Well MIL came over to see DH as she hasn't seen him in weeks and weeks, so she was "stopping by"...

How'd it become MY idea?

shielded2009's picture

So this past weekend was my birthday. I got a lot of gift cards from family and friends...

A few of friends got me gift cards to Cheesecake Factory, so I've got like $100 worth...

So when DH saw how much I had in gift cards to Cheesecake Factory he said, "Wow...That's a lot of eating right there!" I was like sure is...I'll take you out to spend them...He said, "Cool! We can go this weekend!" I was like..."Ummm...not this weekend..." So he said..."Oh yeah...we have SD"...

I'm about to go there...

shielded2009's picture

So today is my birthday...Happy Birthday to me!

DH took me to lunch today, and while we were headed to the restaurant, his phone must have chirpped at least 4 or 5 times to notify him of text messages...

So when we get inside and sit down, he reads the messages...He smirks, shakes his head and puts his phone in his pocket...

So of course I'm like, "Ummm who was that, and what was that all about?"

He says "I don't want to ruin your BD lunch and turn this into an endless conversation..." So of course I demand to know... irritated...

shielded2009's picture

So I had a couple of girl friends over last nights for "girl time"...A few bottles of wine and dinner...

SD is here for her weekend, and she and DS were in our bonus room with DH. My girl friends know the issues that SD has, and all the drama surrounding her mother (to an extent)...

Well one of my girl friends goes on to tell me how that I should "do more" with SD, that I can be a positive influence in her life, and that I should care about how she views me when she grows up...

This is going to get worse over the years...

shielded2009's picture

DH parallel parents...Not by design, but because of BM being a raging lunatic. DH only communicates with her via text...ONLY...Their pick ups and drop offs are either at the school or police station. DH got the judge to put that in the CO...

Two weeks ago, BM sent DH a text message asking DH to miss his weekend so SD could go to a birthday party...DH said he wouldn't miss his weekend...So SD missed the party...

We have an united front...

shielded2009's picture

So DH went to MIL's yesterday to pick up the computer he loaned her...

His mother was ranting about SIL and how that SIL makes more money than MIL, yet SIL asked MIL to borrow money, and when MIL said no, SIL got mad...No surprise here...They go back and forth with this behavior...One's the pot...the other's the kettle...

So DH said he told her, "Yeah, and that's why I stay out of SIL's business and yours, too...and don't let you guys in mine...It's too dramatic..."

Oh Well...

shielded2009's picture

Or rather...

Oh the hell well...

Yesterday was MIL's birthday...and DH forgot to call her...He is admittedly awful with birthdays, and I ALWAYS have to remind him of his mother and his sister's birthdays, but since they've been trashing me behind my back, I didn't say squat to DH about their birthdays, and I don't feel bad...

Damned if he does...Damned if he doesn't...

shielded2009's picture

Since BM got put in jail for attacking DH, her tone in her text messages (the only way DH will communicate with her) has softened a bit, but she's still trifling, IMO...

DH has had it with her on every front, so he sticks to the CO to the letter...He does not deviate one tiny bit anymore because of all of the previous drama...

So BM sends him a text message saying that SDs cousin has a birthday party Saturday and she "really wants to go", and wanted DH to miss his weekend with her...

DH declined and told her he'd be picking her up at the normal time...

MIL's warped brain...

shielded2009's picture

So my MIL has been married 3 times...She's currently married long distance (whatever that means), but her 2nd marriage was for like 12 or 13 years. She's been divorced from that man for about 10 years or more...They never had kids together, but each came with 2 kids. Theirs wasn't one big happy family.
